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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 11 minutes ago, wain71 said:

    I like the look of the above and have all your other TE areas for XP. Two questions before I hit buy.


    What's the download size.


    Any plans to cover the rest of Spain.




    Copy/paste from the OrbxDirext product page:

    HD version: The download size of this product is 53.72 GB. It uses 176.28 GB when installed.

    SD version: The download size of this product is 39.68 GB. It uses 0.00 B when installed. (I don't think this 0.00 B is correct B))


    • Thanks 1
  2. 1 hour ago, paulk said:





















    I live in UK so don't know area well, it looks beautiful, hope pictures are ok for you.


    I havent noticed any stutters so far which others have reported.


    You may wish to do some comparsion shots with Bing Maps.





    In some areas of the world Google looks better in other areas Bing looks better.

    Since Bing is owned by MS, I cannot imagine that Google will ever happen.

    • Like 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, chjohans said:

    I tried to find some guidelines re any possible Orbx censorship/deleted posts in this forum, but I could not find anything. So I'm trying here.


    Obviously bad language, racial slur, hate speech end the likes could and should lead to the post being censored/deleted. But what about criticism and feedback on of Orbx products in a "fair way", does anyone know if there are any rules against that?


    I have spent way too much money on Orbx products throughout the years, and usually I find their products to be of a very high standards. But once in a while I come across an Orbx product that "leaves some things to be desired", to put it that way.


    Now that happened a not so long ago, when I came across a newly released products that had some flaws. I pointed that out in the discussion thread were the release of the product was discussed, and I also pointed out the fact that a very good freeware scenery of the same airport does not have those flaws. I also stated my opinion, that I for once would not be buying that Orbx product, because of those flaws. I thought I was well within what should be allowed in an open discussion forum.


    But my post was rather quickly deleted and the thread was locked. It seemed like Orbx was totally unwilling to allow even the least bit of criticism of their products. A more appropriate approach, in my opinion, would have been to find out if the "criticism" was factual, and to actually fix the flaws in the product.


    Now I understand that an open forum like this probably have many "administrators", and if not coordinated by a "common ruleset", they might end up applying their own set of rules when "administering" the forums. That's why I ask if anyone know Orbx official policy with regards to censorship and deletion of posts. Anyone?


    This might seem like a small issue, and maybe it is. But I think it was quite petty and small-minded to delete a post that just pointed out a flaw in a product. And it's not like my post was overly subjective, the flaws I pointed out were real and won't disappear just because the post was deleted.


    It would be interesting to hear if an official policy actually exists when it comes to censorship and deleting of posts in these forums.


    And another reason for asking is the fact that I do care who I'm handing over my hard earned dollars to. :)


    You shall not mention products of other suppliers, neither payware nor freeware (as eritten in the forum rules).

    That probably is the reason, why your post has been deleted.

    • Like 3
  4. 4 hours ago, Ken Q said:

    Back in 1990 I was stationed in Naples during Desert Shield.  I had leave over Christmas, so rather than going home to the 'States, my wife and I decided to meet in London, so we could spend the Holidays with my cousins in Hythe, and her friends in Beccles.  In setting this up, my wife arranged A rental car, and to save A few pounds, opted for a manual transmission.  Should not, it seems, have been a problem, except I had never shifted gears with my left hand!  Until I got used to it, it was an adventure.  Learning to drive on the "wrong" side of the road was the easy part.  Getting the gear shift was another thing.




    Yeah, and mixing up the levers for the windscreen wiper and the turn indicator.:D

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  5. 5 minutes ago, Lance Arnold said:

    I wasnt going to respond to this, but MSFG YPPH.  really.  have you seen any images of this FSX  conversion over to MSFS.  Both the MSFG and Axonos version's are not up to the standard we have come to expect and admire from Orbx airports..

    And as I said in my initial statement, if Orbx is not going to do the airports I desire, then I shall find a developer who will...

    I think, if there are already Axonos

    and MSFG versions of YPPH available, you will wait in vain for a third developer doing the same airport again.

    • Like 3
  6. 1 hour ago, Stewart Hobson said:

    Truthfully, that's not how I understand how the TE scenery works.  It's a once only snapshot of the area in question, dependent on when the photo was taken.  That seems to be the feedback that I have read, anyway.

    Yes, the ground imagery does not change, but the autogen vegetation does chanfe in the P3d versions of TE sceneries AFAIK. I can't verify this though, because when TE came out I had already moved to XP and now exklusively use MSFS.

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