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Posts posted by wolfko

  1. 53 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

    I am back from a short vacation, which let me drive along one of our favourite Orbx airports. No, it is not Melbourne, not Honolulu and not Tapini either. You will surely be able to guess it, even though we only see a POI off the apron (but in the scenery package).

    If I knew that we would be stuck for an hour in a traffic jam (caused by the discovery of a WW2 bomb in the city center) only seconds after the picture, I could have taken a more perfect one.



    Hm, that's a difficult one.:huh:

    • Haha 2
  2. On 9/20/2021 at 12:26 PM, Taph said:

    Hi wolfko,

    One question if I may what bandwidth do you have on your internet connection? any idea how much it uses when you fly?


    Sorry for my late reply Taph. I only saw your question now. Our bandwith is 80 Mbps. This is shared among the 5 of us in the family. So mostly when I am using MSFS at the same time my wife is streaming Netflix videos, our two boys playing online games on their Playstations or also streaming videos and our daughter downloading music or just surfing on instagram. I connot tell you how much data MSFS uses during a flight (maybe others can?). That is of course depending on the settings (e.g. resolution) and on the area one is flying in. But although the bandwith is shared between the five of us, I have never exepienced any problems of having not enough bandwith for MSFS. I only have received an autogenerated message once that I am not connected to the Internet and that the flight session will continue in offline mode. But this was only due to server problems of my internet provider.


    There is a counter within the UI telling how much data one has used within a month (I guess calender month). This counter said I had used 151 GIB of data as per yesterday. I am not sure if this are only download data or if there are also the data included which are derived from my SSD.


    I hope this helps. :)


    Cheers, Wolfgang

    • Thanks 1
  3. 3 hours ago, John Heaton said:

    Why bother?  - if you have Central - you have the North of England - nothing else matters


    Blimey!!  - Blackpool Tower and Pleasure Beach  - Old Trafford  - both Liverpool Cathedrals - Lake district - the whole of Lancashire and Yorkshire -

    what more could you want   :rolleyes:;):D 


    Old Trafford? What's that? :ph34r:

    • Upvote 1
  4. On 9/12/2021 at 1:01 AM, B747man said:


    Thanks for the info. I'm glad that stuff is still being made for P3D.  MSFS looks amazing, but I just don't have a PC that can handle it.


    On 9/17/2021 at 12:50 AM, mslim said:

    Count me in. I've seen the screenshots from MSFS version and I'm very chuffed. (I too can't afford a new machine on a fixed income to run MSFS) It was my home field for many years. I was flying lowly GA birds from San-Val, while lusting over the free cookies and bizjets at the Clay Lacy FBO. That swimming pool looked mighty inviting on a hot summer day. I hope the 94th Aero Squadron gets represented correctly. I spent many a pleasant Saturday evening there playing with my band.


    I am running MSFS on the same ancient PC (2500k / GTX 1070) I had P3d and XP11 installed on. MSFS is running much smoother than P3d and XP11 ever did on this machine and also its performance is much better and this with much higher settings (if comparable at all) and much more complex weather.

    So having a not state of the art PC is no excuse for not installing MSFS.


    One thing you might consider is adding RAM. I have 32GIB installed. But this is overkill IMO and RAM is not that expensive.


    PS: I have no intention to let this become another "my sim is better" thread. I just wanted to encourage you.


    • Like 1
  5. On 9/17/2021 at 6:54 PM, cdv0007 said:

    Orbx Vienna has become like this, which is really weird.



    As per the MS releasse announcement a part of the patch is a colour correction of the default ground imagery  around LOWW. Since the Gaya ground imagery probably had been adjusted to the old default colours and still is, the outcome is what can be seen in your screenshot.

    • Like 1
  6. 6 hours ago, paulk said:

    Thanks, it look like yours has perhaps updated during the WU6 or newer Hotfix update and because of my changes mine hasn’t. Not sure how to correct this, thanks for sharing.


    OT, BTW there has been a hotfix update yesterday 17 Sep 21. Newest version now is

    • Like 1
  7. 15 hours ago, iflygary said:

    I agree Brad(ba43) and I also agree with Brad B.  Just as Brad B stated, I haven't had many issues with its performance, and to my own surprise, I have not touched any of the other sims in  the last 6 months.  It's buttery smooth for me, and as more add-ons have been introduced, the visual experience has been stunning.



    Same here. Maybe this is, because I only have changed settings via the default UI and never ever have touched any of the MSFS files itself (e.g. for changing the LOD etc.) or have used external programms for file management like many others of us do.

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