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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Thanks Gumby. It sounds like you’ve had it tough too. I didn’t know they even had pancreas transplants. My wife’s diabetes is so bad that she’s disabled. Way too many lows. But she has a pump and the new Dexcom. I’m looking forward to the eye being fixed, it’s dreadful with such blurriness. Thanks and take care.
  2. Hi Don, and thanks. I don’t know if you know this but I also have a heart aorta aneurysm which I have to have checked every year. It’s frightening. I hate talking about it because it gives me the willies. I’ll tell Martyn in my next set of emails you said hello. Things have changed so dramatically that it’s basically stunned me and him, we’re of the same mind and we both think this is some kind of horrible nightmare.
  3. Thanks for the info! Even the doc didn't describe it in such detail. As for a new chip, well, I'm loathe to open it and replace IC's. I don't feel comfortable. I'm a total, 100% iMac guy, the PC is from Jetline and it's only used for P3D. So we'll see what happens. All I wish for is PMDG and A2A to get on board but I don't think this will ever happen.
  4. I don't know about colors but I really want to see early. When you had it was it worse in one eye? Mine is to the point where it almost causes vertigo. I was told the same thing, very short time do to it. I too have astigmatism but that's no big deal anymore, it's the vaseline on the eye that bothers me. I was just wondering if it will be a requirement to have Win 11 to use MSFS. I hope not.
  5. Hi Pete! Whenever I see your name or avatar I immediately think “orange” I was told it would be blurry for a few days post surgery and I have a follow up the very next day. Since I already take Klonopin they have to give me an actual IV sedative because they use Ambien which is child’s play compared to it. Ditto! Same thing for me with the glasses! Nope, not complaining my friend, I feel blessed to be able to have it fixed and have a lot of empathy for those who cannot Take care. J -
  6. Hi Landon! Long time no hear. Yes, Martyn is a really true friend. He’s been there for me often. I sent him a pen I made on the lathe and since Oz suddenly stopped all mail from the USA I don’t know if he’ll ever receive it which saddens me. I can understand stepping away and man a long trek/adventure sounds downright Tolkienish. I would have loved it if consisted of hiking and trees! How I love trees, I wish I lived in a forest with nothing but trees like five feet from the house. It’s now so difficult for me to hike with the most egregious and severe pain I have ever experienced in my life. I live on narcotics now. I have osteoarthritis in so many places that it’s hard to go a minute without pain. As for life, well, it’s in G*d’s hands in my opinion. Be well, be blessed, and take good care of yourself. J -
  7. LOL! Divorce! Yes, first thing they made me do was pay the $75 for the drops up front. With my co-pay and insurance it costed me about $490. Wednesday the 27th, so next week? I reckon so. Thanks again!
  8. Thanks Nick! Glad to hear it. I’ve been wearing glasses, bifocals since I was 40 so that’s 22 years. I’m going to get the lens that allows for clear vision in distance so I’ll have to have the right lens in all three glasses adjusted, more $$$! I have a set of daily glasses, computer glasses, and sunglasses that are all prescription. A lot of people I know who have had it says it’s amazing. I can’t wait as it’s very difficult now.
  9. Hi Nick and thanks. I’m not a BIOS settings kind of guy, it puts the fear of G*d in me .
  10. Hi Tym and thanks! Good advice, yes sir, I don’t like being an early adopter. Can’t move the taskbar? Why fix something if it ain’t broke? I’ll never understand these people. I’d love to buy MSFS and the Orbx stuff for it but I can’t deal with the default or other planes in it. Like I said, I’m in it for the planes so when PMDG and A2A get their planes in I’m all in, but I have very serious doubts either will be able to do it because it seems MS’s software is changing so fast.
  11. My PC told me it's not capable of installing 11 so I'm finished with it. I ain't about to buy another PC just to run Windows 11 and if I can't run MSFS when I ever buy it because of not having 11 then I don't buy MSFS.
  12. Not sure if this is the correct sub-forum to reply. Nick, if you need to move this that's A-OK with me my friend. I'm still here. Been very busy woodworking and dealing with certain "difficult" issues, I'm sure you all know what I mean. The world is a very different place and I do not want to go into it. Please let's not talk about it. Been making furniture, toys, turning lots of writing pens on the lathe, turning bowls, candlesticks, hot air balloons, turning chess pieces and constructing the boards, you name it I make it. I email Martyn everyday. He's "managing" under the circumstances in Australia if you catch my meaning. He's still raising exotic birds which takes up an enormous amount of his time and sleep. Sadly he'll never be able to come back for a visit but we talk a lot, on average about 20 emails a day. I no longer post P3D shots because the screens I see of the "game" make P3D look like rubbish and no offense to Orbx, I'm still blown away by Orbx's Northern California and other regions. I still make a lot of flights in my little Orbx world in only the A2A and PMDG planes. I know a lot of people like low and slow and seeing the sights but I like setting up an FMS or navigating VOR to VOR and all sorts of instrument procedures. To me it is and always has been about the planes more than the scenery. We're all different so there's that I reckon. Comics, yes, plenty in the works, I have a long list of funny comics I want to make but been so down lately I can't bring myself to make them. Been making comics for my uncle but they're not Orbx or flight related. Robin broke her foot in five places a week and a half ago so she has a fiberglass cast and will be in it for another four weeks, then a boot and rehab. She's 61, a severe diabetic, and has very bad osteoporosis so it's a lot of work to take care of her. I have cataract surgery on the 27th. My right eye is so bad I can no longer see out of it. It's like someone smeared vaseline on it. Since I moved I found a new park to hike in. It's called Brown's Mill and it's an historic site, a civil war site so it has a lot of neat history and signage. But it was designed for bicycles so the trails are very narrow, only one meter wide, and hikers have to give right of way to bikers but so far not one problem. It's 10 miles from my house. Hope ya'll are well. Maybe someday I'll be back like I was before but Martyn told me he's finished with flight simulation. He has three, P3D, MSFS, and XP and he told me he has nothing but crashes and hassles and he got fed up so he said he's frustrated and done with it. Take care. Jack
  13. Thanks, it may be a while before A2A & PMDG are in this new sim though, if ever. From what I read at A2A they have some pretty large hurdles to cross.
  14. Thanks Gerold. Been doing it for 45 years but now I have a complete shop. Been making everything from toys to furniture to pens.
  15. Stunning! I could use these for comics, gonna get this sim eventually.
  16. Holy cow! How are #'s 2 and 3 NOT photos?? Good grief, I wish to Gawd A2A and PMDG would get their planes in this sim. I made a nice 737 flight today after a hiatus because of massive problems but dealing with it. I talk to Martyn daily through email, he's hanging in there, if you know what I mean. I miss everyone here but too busy woodworking to spend much time here. Best to you all and Adam, amazing shots!
  17. Excellent shots Scott. Brings back fond memories of flying in these things back in the 80's all over Europe. One time we had to fly from Germany to the UK at around 3000 get with all the doors open in winter because the aircraft equipment for our F-111's were leaking gasoline. What a long, cold, smelly, and bumpy but excellent ride!
  18. I have to say when Orbx puts their minds to it they have excellent results! Man, this is so good looking, beautiful stuff here Orbx!
  19. Stunning shots, especially number three. It's a pity the planes are so plain vanilla.
  20. Cringe worthy, I'm actually embarrassed for these people making this. I love long distance flights in complex big jets so how does this help? And even if I liked low and slow, what am I supposed to do fly through the terminal? What a waste of a PC's processing power. Sorry, just my two cents. If this is where MSFS is going then count me out. This is more like a sims game. UGH!
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