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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Yes, this one. I’m looking for easy to use, not a lengthy set up and downloading files. What happens if I just run it? What next? Many thanks as I appreciate it. It would be nice if Orbx had one through Central.
  2. Hey fellas and @Rob Abernathy, I'm intrigued by this program. 1) Is it as good or better than UTL? 2) Will it work in V4.5 and v5? 3) Do I have to configure it like a certain one I have now? 4) Are the planes' graphics better? 5) And very important, do they have traffic at smaller airports? I really want to get away from them.
  3. Rob, it’s simple if you have UTL. Copy over the folder 4.5’s in Add-Ons to v5 and bam, it works flawlessly.
  4. Cool! Happy birthday Joe and may happy returns!
  5. Good find but these seems counterintuitive to me
  6. Thank you Nick, I reckon eventually V5 will be completely ip to speed.
  7. Scruffy ducks? Never heard of it. I agree, this is why I like Orbx stuff, Central. I wish every installed was like installer as I detest messing with files.
  8. Thanks but I wouldn't know what an ADE is if it hit me upside the head. Ditto for an exclusion. Yeah, all I can do is hope Orbx fixes it, it looks so nice in 4.5.
  9. Thanks Jack, gosh, your's looks much more different than 4.5's version. On top is supposed to be these nice glass domes. This is 4.5
  10. Thanks jack, I was expecting a day or two, so this is very much appreciated. Can you use the @ Jack Sawyer thing so I'll get notified? Many thanks.
  11. Jack, can you do me a favor then? If you own KSAN can you fly over the terminal roofs and post some screens? Thanks
  12. Thanks Jack! I hope this fixes it. KSAN has always been my biggest Orbx pain in the kiester.
  13. Seems I always have roof issues with KSAN. It was the first Orbx airport I installed into V5 after Global, Libraries, ObjectFlow, openLC North America, Southern California, Buildings, Trees. Anyone else seeing this? First shots are in V5. Now in V4.5
  14. Seriously cool shots Dario. I especially like the wing shot with full flaps.
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