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Jack Sawyer

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Everything posted by Jack Sawyer

  1. Thanks again Nick. That would involve far too much work than I have time for. I think I'd have to re-do a lot of things like FSUIPC, not sure really. I'm too busy with other things now.
  2. Thanks Nick. I see, but I only did the Client, not Content or Scenery so will that make a difference?
  3. Thanks Nick. Gosh, I've really been out of the loop. I have it for V4 so I'm gonna have to try it today in 5.2. I always liked Vector. Why do you say whether I need it?
  4. I think I'm a little late to the party here as I haven't been "flying" much lately. Did Orbx just release Vector for V5?
  5. Just saw this. Happy birthday Martyn!
  6. Where is this Sherm, it looks great!
  7. It says "Unavailable." I got it from Lockheed anyway. Can you take one you consider the best from what you're seeing and post it?
  8. Please post a good shot with Orbx in it of course. I’d like to compare.
  9. I don’t see long loading times as mentioned by you and others. I do see a very slight difference in performance but it’s nothing major. The only reason I did it was I was sick and tired of getting the NVIDIA CTD screen. I was THIS close to simply giving away literally thousands of $’s in flight controls and forcing the PC to run prime numbers as punishment. I did tests of all A2A and PMDG planes and so far so good but they were just short flights. At least all my Orbx stuff plays well.
  10. I’m installing only the client. I had already sync’d Orbx. It was a success.
  11. Got the file from LM. Changed test to red. 5.2 is much improved smoother and less stutters. The real test will be a 737 at KBUR though. That was CTD city.
  12. No cfg file. Was it removed from this forum?
  13. I tried something like 100 billion times
  14. OF, I just uninstalled and then installed the Client. So far Ultimate Traffic, GTN, and A2A’s 182 seem ok. Orbx look great. BUT, why can’t I see frame rates, Pat/long, etc when using Shift+Z? Thanks
  15. Why content Nick? I was just gonna do the client. Please advise as I trust your judgement.
  16. I’ll talk to my doctor about this. Thanks
  17. Thanks, my doctor started me on glucosamine condroiton a month ago. I understand it takes a long time. I’m seeing a specialist but not till the end of July.
  18. Thanks Greg. I still have this forum though.
  19. Don't watch politic or TV for 30 years. I have to limit my activity because I now have severe, extremely severe rheumatoid arthritis. The pain is so bad I can barely function and will soon be in a wheelchair.
  20. That's nice John but I have so many other real-world things to do such writing, comics, woodworking, and my diabetic wife. I loved making simulated flights but I find there's more to life than sitting in front of my monitor all day. No offense.
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