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Bush fires and my house...

Jay Kae

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As I live near a reserve (dry bushland etc) and almost lost my house 10 years ago, I am staying home today because the temperature is going to be soaring today.. so fingers crossed for everyone who is in a risk zone

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Yes we are all thinking of you and of course the poor Tasmanians who have already lost homes and infrastructure.

We copped a scorcher on Thusday an the way up to Albury, scary stuff even with no fire threat. Not sure if our friends around the world realise what it's like- its truly like sticking your head in an open oven- except its everywhere. Grass so dry that it'll flare up with a stray cigarette.

Just go quick if it even hints at heading your way.

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I have a couple feet of snow on the ground here that I'd be happy to send your way, lol. Temps above freezing today for the first time in a week and snowing like hell so it's difficult for me to even visualize a fire scenario at the moment (I can't even get the one in my woodstove going half the time). I live in the woods though with trees and brush all around me, fire is a big concern in late summer around here so I know about that uneasy feeling. Fingers crossed for ya Jay.


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Best wishes Jay and to all Down Under during the brush fire season. Just remember Jay, unfortunate though losses may be, that material things can always be replaced. Life and health is most precious. Don't take unnecessary risks. May this season pass well!

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best wishes jay and to all the orbx team who live in that region,we here in victora are getting our fair share of hot weather, but 43 degrees in sydney ,thats crazy,we have south west wind here now blowing at 35 knots,very windy,so it should not be to far away from hitting new south wales and you should see a 25 degree temp drop with 30 minutes of i the wind change,best of luck.

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Friends of the family who live in Sydney yesterday also mentioned they would be staying home. Must be a harrowing experience when you see the smoke on the horizon.

Best wishes to all from Down Under who are affected!



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37 oC here in Sydney just after 9pm. Decided to leave our holiday address in the Blue Mountains early this morning as the wind at 5.30am was crazy and with 43 oC predicted I'd rather be safe than sorry. All the best to all under threat.

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Good to hear you are safe Jay, but as you will be aware the season is far from over yet, you take care, we cannot do without you here, thinking of all you guys in the fire season stay safe all of you.

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Best wishes Jay and to all Down Under during the brush fire season. Just remember Jay, unfortunate though losses may be, that material things can always be replaced. Life and health is most precious. Don't take unnecessary risks. May this season pass well!

I second everything Rick has said. We are thinking of you over here and wishing you all well.

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Some of the hardware that the fire service had on standby at YWVA yesterday

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Reassuring that the authorites can have beasties like these ready in my area.

Cooler today but predicting another scorcher for Saturday.

Stay safe everyone.


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Stay safe fella, I was living in Oz when they had the major bush fires in VIC back in 2009, in particular I remember what happened in Kinglake, a sad time.

Mother nature has a savage beauty about her.

Take care

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Currently there are over 80 fires burning throughout NSW. Sadly some have lost their homes. Luckily there are brave men and women who are willing and able to fight these fires using everything at their disposal from hoses and trucks to water bombing from planes and helicopters of all sizes. Amongst them are those who fly into fire hotspots to tackle the fires in the bush. Dropped in by helicopter, they cut a pad and set about building fire breaks. I have had the privilege to know and work with some of these guys and gals. Here's hoping they stay safe.

Pictured is the crew of Helitak 225 doing a morning winch brief for a RFS RAFT crew about to deploy in south western NSW

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