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This Week's Meaningless Topic (#126)(Feb 3)

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Hi all. I recently read a delightful article about how military pilots get their call signs (https://taskandpurpose.com › News › Branch). It turns out that pilots don't get to choose their call signs but rather have them imposed by their peers. Thus, almost all calls signs actually are insulting and embarrassing in ways known only to the pilot and peers. Some of my favorite are "Farts" for the guy whose bowels loudly adjust to altitude changes; "Moto" for Master of the Obvious; "Vigit" for The Village Idiot"; and "Terpid" for Terminally Stupid." Hard to keep up a big ego when your peers have worked so hard to humble you. And that leads to this week's topic.


THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC:  What call sign would they give you if you were a new fighter pilot?



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Once upon a time when I was a very young apprentice Fitter -- chewing gum for the English was rather a new sweet. 

I loved it and was always with a wad of gum in my mouth - and the nickname that was given to me would serve as a 

call sign.

They said that because of the gum chewing I looked like a COW chewing it's cudd:D

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well I am not sure if mine would be a callsign to be honest, when I was in the military I did a few years as an Infantry Signalman, this usually involved a lot of climbing, up trees, on top of buildings etc...anyway I never ever needed any special gear or footwear, I just had the ability to cling on and climb, we even had a race up two telegraph poles and the other guy had special spiked footwear attachments on and before he'd got to the top I was up and back down.....so I earned the name Monkey and it stuck, I got called it all the time, even answering to it when someone would shout out across a crowded cookhouse....I suppose it could have been worse, one guy was named Dragonsbreath..😁

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2 hours ago, Rob Abernathy said:

Rodger, what would your nickname be?

Thanks for asking, Rob. See above second post down after the topic setup. While I was in active ministry, most people called me Pastor. I was glad to answer to that. Nowadays, they just call me Old Guy and tell me to get out of the way.

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Whilst not an RAF pilot, my erstwhile RAF colleagues awarded me "Dingo" (I had an unruly Springer Spaniel) and "Pretty Boy" (I once wore a colourful tie in the Officer's Mess one evening).  The second one came from an Air Commodore and stuck and I wasn't too chuffed but you learn very quickly to own it...

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When I was flying, mine was "Green Bean" as our flightsuits were green and I am quite a bit over 6 ft. and had to wear a size long.  Most of the time it was just shortened to "Green". Incidentally one of my family patriarchs, way back in the 1700's, given name was Green.

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Oh well here it goes.  I guess mine would be "Snot."  I am a Hatter by trade (A museum educator and tradesman by profession).  To become a Hatter, one must first be an apprentice.  The not so polite nickname for an apprentice hatter is "snot."



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2 hours ago, Ken Q said:

Oh well here it goes.  I guess mine would be "Snot."  I am a Hatter by trade (A museum educator and tradesman by profession).  To become a Hatter, one must first be an apprentice.  The not so polite nickname for an apprentice hatter is "snot."




Apparently because you're snot a Hatter yet?  

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