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I booked one...

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When I took off for a quick relocation flight southbound from Tamanrasset I did not expect to see much more than sand, stones or even some exciting rocks.


But obviously following an official airway presents you even with human encounters. That one was exactly on my flight level (350), I was just fortunate enough to climb early enough (climbing after the ATC warning would have been too late).


And then even a river and vegetation came up. The Niger.


Just a little change in landclass plus some good vector data, and the sim satisfies.


Not so much does the view of the airport.


Hey, I was booked there!


And Tim book two.


Here we are, the airport of Timbouctou.


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Nice series... yes, flying over parts of Africa can have consequences.

Obviously, Gerold, your dedicted experience counts and in this case put you one step ahead! :lol:

Herman :)

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49 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Great shots Gerold.



Thank you Iain!


42 minutes ago, mikee said:

Fantastic Shots Gerold !:)

Is this Virtavia's C-17 Globemaster ?

Yes it is, Mikee. As you can see from the cockpit, not a PMDG level. But better than the default Hercules, and a bit tricky regarding engine heat limits.

She works with default flightplans / GPS, no CPU programming.


38 minutes ago, jean marc said:

Oh hazard, I know another guy, Dim book too :lol:

And when we get OLC Asia, we might also meet Dim Sum. Or Mister Wei Tu Lo?


27 minutes ago, Hauer said:

Nice series... yes, flying over parts of Africa can have consequences.

Obviously, Gerold, your dedicted experience counts and in this case put you one step ahead! :lol:

Herman :)

You are too kind, Herman... I´d say luck, not experience!

But indeed, the real ATC over Africa is also not famous for precision or understandability.

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6 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Yes it is, Mikee. As you can see from the cockpit, not a PMDG level. But better than the default Hercules, and a bit tricky regarding engine heat limits.

She works with default flightplans / GPS, no CPU programming.


Good to know ! Thank you very much Gerold :)

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Loved that head on traffic shot.  A while ago I was jump seating on a Northwest DC10, SEA-ORD and, somewhere over Oklahoma, Center called 'opposite direction traffic a company 747'.  In those days they were still using 2000' vertical separation but, even so, watching that beast coming straight at you (he was above) it was difficult not to duck.  I had the FAA's honor in my hands and didn't drop it.

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2 hours ago, adambar said:

Fantastic shots Gerold. :)

Thank you Adam!


1 minute ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Excellent set of shots Gerold.

Thanks for spending the time to watch and comment, my friend.


16 hours ago, BradB said:

No conflict for me , I like these shots . :D:)

You are right John: The way we fly this can not be named a conflict... :D.


13 hours ago, TerribleT said:

Lovely captures and your subtle humour made me laugh all the way through this set :D

Thank you very much TT! I like on this forum that there are many individualy combining information, beauty and humour!


11 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Super shots Gerold. Y'all should've flown a wee bit lower that way y'all could've "high five'd each other"  :rolleyes::D

It was, finally, just 800 ft of a separation. Indeed not too far away from a "high five". And that would still be "corona-safe-greeting"!


8 hours ago, olderndirt said:

Loved that head on traffic shot.  A while ago I was jump seating on a Northwest DC10, SEA-ORD and, somewhere over Oklahoma, Center called 'opposite direction traffic a company 747'.  In those days they were still using 2000' vertical separation but, even so, watching that beast coming straight at you (he was above) it was difficult not to duck.  I had the FAA's honor in my hands and didn't drop it.

Uh, what an experience OnD. You make me remember one of my return flights from Greece to Germany in 2018: The head traffic was shocking close, but I was just too slow with the camera. I wonder if I could have identified the copilot on such a photo...

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