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Notlimah to Wellington


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I have never heard of this airport on the North Island before but I am going to fly from Notlimah to Wellington.



Getting ready at Notlimah to give the freeware Falcon a first flight.



Despite being a quiet small town there is still plenty of security.



Passing Pirongia Mountain and the Pirongia Forest Park.



Over Waitomo with Kawhia Harbour in the distance



The Tongariro NP with Mount Ruapehu.



Looking forwards to a nice picturesque run down the South Taranaki Bight but thick clouds scuppered that idea.



Just one small break in the clouds to catch a glimpse of Otaki.



Westpac Stadium at Lambton Harbour.



A successful ILS approach and a nice landing.



Another very pleasing freeware plane to go with the hundreds  of others.


I hope you enjoyed this flight.

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5 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great shots and flight Martyn, the scenery and jet look great.  Its nice that it stopped raining after you parked the aircraft.

Cheers John, a great place to fly and I didn't cheat with the weather this time!:D

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5 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Elegant plane over beautiful scenery Martyn and as always a terrific narrative!

Thanks Jack, another great freebie that suits my style of flying!;)

I didn't have the time to investigate the places I was flying over this time.:)

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Fantastic plane and shots, Martyn, but I don´t like the spring weather down there!


On 11/20/2018 at 10:19 AM, VH-KDK said:

I have never heard of this airport on the North Island before but I am going to fly from Notlimah

Here you can see the dangers on the bottom half of the globe: Even the spelling is the other way round :D!


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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 10:41 AM, flyingleaf said:

Very nice shots Martyn. Lovely area. That looks like a nice jet. Way too nice for the Mule Team passengers<_<. These guys love the abuse:rolleyes::lol::D

Thanks for that Karl, so you wont be adding the Falcon to your Mule Team fleet any time soon?:lol:

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 11:44 AM, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey Martyn. The Dassault has a wonderfully sinister covert presence to it. I have no doubt that there are highly trained operatives aboard ready to stride off the plane into equally sinister SUVs and head toward the bad guys' secret installation on the coast. Bwa Haa Haa!

Cheers Rodger, you were very close in your assumption and now time to spill the beans.

They were carrying members of the Hamilton Sheep Appreciation Society who were on a special fact finding mission;) adorned in their gum boots and 3/4 length oilskins!:o:ph34r::blink:

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On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 3:49 AM, Stillwater said:

Fantastic plane and shots, Martyn, but I don´t like the spring weather down there!


Here you can see the dangers on the bottom half of the globe: Even the spelling is the other way round :D!


A bit cloudy and windy isn't it Gerold.

We do things the other way around in the southern hemisphere, even the water goes down the plug hole in the reverse.:huh:

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5 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

We do things the other way around in the southern hemisphere, even the water goes down the plug hole in the reverse.

So many people say that, but I never noticed. What would happen if you are in a plane while crossing the equator? Will the water change its way of circulation? We´ll need to find out!

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It is the Coriolis force Gerold, caused by the rotation of the earth.

It would be interesting crossing the equator but the cabin crew would be upset with you occupying  the cubicle for a long time and also wasting the valuable water.:(


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5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Cheers Rodger, you were very close in your assumption and now time to spill the beans.

They were carrying members of the Hamilton Sheep Appreciation Society who were on a special fact finding mission;) adorned in their gum boots and 3/4 length oilskins!:o:ph34r::blink:

Oh, my VH-VDK, in all seriousness I have to say that your wit is medicinal. I feel better already. Thanks! ^_^

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