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SOMETHING DIFFERENT #6 : from cotton fields to bayous with bourbon hidden barrels...and the tragedy of Conney Island Cincinatti (Part 1/2)

jean marc

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Cincinatti 1955 - Red Fynn


I've been a fool to not stay with the group! This door is blocked. It's dark and there is no sound excepted this dratted pump engine. 

Is the park empty ? Where is Mary ? She is probably hidden somewhere close to here. I hate these scumbags who ran after us !





[Ryan ST]


I hope she will find me soon and have a way to open this damned door. Mister Conelly will be very angry if we are not back tomorrow. 
He is probably in the air this morning, going to the gorges to look for good oaks for the barrels.




I think they came together in Arkansas. Grandpa said it was the chance of his life to meet Mr Connely : 

"Your father had a very hard work, Fynn, but he was with a truly good man... They worked all day - really never got a break, having to carry a lot of barrels or to finish a bottling, but it was so much better than the harsh conditions he had in the cotton fields. And here he learnt so many things... You should have the same luck with Pat..."  

He was right...






[Avro 504K from WWI stock]


I have been so thanksful when Mister Connely showed me how to repair its aircraft engine : "You could be a good mecano Red Finn ! Sure of that ! "

And a few years later, he learnt me to fly ! 
I would like so much to be on the plane and to fly far away from here. My first flight ... over the forest ... it was during fall, about one year ago...











In the Greyhound bus to Cincinatti, Mary told me how her parents arrived in New York in 1923 : "They were quite afraid, feeling like strangers lost among the huge buildings and the dense crowd around them"











[Sopwith Camel]


"They decided to go to a joyful place despite the high entrance fee...It was just one day before looking for a work. Oh Fynn, they have seen a huge elephant in the middle of the railway ! Maybe we will see one in the park ? The beach was so crowded that they nearly had to fly to go swimming" 









[Sopwith Camel]


I am thinking about Dad's first jobs when he was my age, driving cars or building railways in Arkansas and Mississippi

And about those unbeliveable months of freedom a long time ago - Grandpa was so proud "My father - your Grand-Grandfather - is famous, Fynn...Each of us in Mississippi could tell you the amazing story of Newton Knight - they had their fields and were free a few years"

I would like so much to be in this place, able to decide for my life and being protected from such foolish persecution as today...



[Avro 504 - maybe stolen by the Peaky Blinders and shipped to Kentucky]




[De Havilland 60 G]




[Globe Swift]

I have been many time flying over the Arkansas or Tennessee fields with Mr Connely, to collect orders and paiements :

"Well for your parents and so many people, the worst time was the beginning of the Great Depression and when the distillery has been temporarily closed...They had to move all the time to find a miserable work with no money and rare food, working most of the time in the fields, on roadworks. At this time I knew your father for 20 years...He was in a tobacco farm in my village and was almost your age, a very kind and funny boy, you know"










[Globe Swift]


It's in a tomato field that I saw for the first time Mary, somewhere in Virginia, I was 8, she was almost as red as I was. 
We spent a few months together - sharing almost everything, excepted chocolate bars we got sometimes from the General Store ! Then "Red Fynn" became my nickname - thanks to Mary and the tomatoes of course...but also because I liked wearing red clothes to appear less black !






We have been separated shortly after this period, just after my parents loss, when I had to go back to work at the distillery with Mister Connelly.
Mary went to Georgia and later her father was volontary enlisted in the armed forces and sent to the Italy front. Poor Mary, he never came back.


I have been so lucky to see her again in Savannah. That day I had to sell wood logs and fish in the city, just coming out of hiding - I had to be off for a few months from the Hell's Kitchen gang fight. "Big Bill" Dwyer believed I was responsible for the lost of the bourbon casks boat and he took a long time to know who was the real guilty guy.


In Georgia, I have been hired as parking attendant in casino, villa's groom during pigeon shooting party,...
It was much better than the harsh works in the fields. I got these jobs thanks to Uncle Jonah's relationship as he played music sometimes in these places.
I was usually so poorly considered, but looking on the bright side, I loved driving the beautiful cars of the casino players - my favorite was the Buick Super.












Mary is still not coming. I am so thirsty. It is terribly hot here, there is no air ... I am worried...
It is the night. Maybe she has been waiting for the dark to come and pick me off the park...


Feeling so alone...

Maybe Uncle Jonah is close to here in its steamboat, playing one of my favorite ragtime air. I love him. He took me on its boat many times after my parents disappeared after the great floods of 1937.

I was 17... too young. I have almost no souvenirs of them, only tiny events told by Uncle Jonah, Mr Connely or Grandpa when I was a child... 
Dad & Ma were building levees and they have been hurt by a truck, they went with the flows and were unable to swim. Mister Connely showed me the place near Arkansas City and the White River.










 [Globe Swift] 



[Curtiss J-1 Robin and others from GAS]

For the end, please see PART 2


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14 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Wow jean marc. Now that is something different. How creative and imaginative--and difficult to compose. Looking forward to Part Two. Thanks!

Thank you and very glad you like it Rodger...Part 2 would come for the week-end :)

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12 hours ago, adambar said:

Sensational post Jean Marc. :) A lot of research and hard work went into this project, nicely done! :)

Thanks Adam !

I found so many beautiful old B&W pictures on the web...the main difficulty is to not make too many mistakes with the date/age of each of the characters with this 3 decades/3 generation story...:blink: ... and to try to be readable in my poor English ;)

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12 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Well don Jean Marc, a real epic of a post.

You have amazing skills in compiling these stories.:)

You are very kind Martyn...I tried be not too long :lol: ... well all together the 2 parts would have about 65 shots !!! + so many little one inserts :D)

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11 hours ago, jean marc said:

You are very kind Martyn...I tried be not too long :lol: ... well all together the 2 parts would have about 65 shots !!! + so many little one inserts :D)

You make them as long as you like, it is fascinating viewing.;)

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On 7 novembre 2018 at 7:58 AM, paulb said:

Gosh! A tremendous post Jean Marc! Thanks for sharing :)

Thank you Paul ... So many thinks to tell about this time ... and about Kentucky, bourbon, prohibition & mobster trafic ... :P

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20 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

take my time for looking all picture & read the story ......


Weldone Jean Marc  for your time to post this .

Many Thanks Patrick to have sapent time for it :) a lot of small events or full story sometimes behind a small picture inserted ... That's the magical effect of some old shots 8)

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On 11/7/2018 at 3:30 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

This is amazing Jean Marc, it must have taken months to put all this together and it was very interesting.  Much appreciated!

Thank you Jack ... Hey there is a special comment/insert picture about you at the end ... try to find it !! :P


(PS : not so much to do it during 3 or 4 weeks several evening & quite a lot of the last week-ends...but at the end a bit too much for my family so I need gaps between such stories :lol: no more than one per 2 months maybe O0)

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3 hours ago, jean marc said:

Thank you Jack ... Hey there is a special comment/insert picture about you at the end ... try to find it !! :P


(PS : not so much to do it during 3 or 4 weeks several evening & quite a lot of the last week-ends...but at the end a bit too much for my family so I need gaps between such stories :lol: no more than one per 2 months maybe O0)

Thanks Jean Marc but try as I might I can't find it :huh:

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16 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Jean Marc but try as I might I can't find it :huh:

Look for the small note in the top right corner of the last shot, Jack :lol: ... yes maybe the police is too small to be read correctly :o:rolleyes:


here is the orginal view (from the video teaser of the Brunner Winkle Bird GAS plane if I remember...) : FLY....in the yellow bird !!!!  Isn't it for you ?!!!!! Who else :P




PS : great planes from GAS ... also 3 interesting frees planes available at their web site :)


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  • 11 months later...
On 10/20/2019 at 1:38 AM, musterpilot said:

Very nicely done as usual :)



many thanks John really happy you liked ...

Don't miss part 2 the very last shot is great with photos of the native Makah people !! :) 

here is the link




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On 22 octobre 2019 at 12:55 AM, YAMBA1 said:

  bien  mon ami,  So much info  and so much history  . This  is an amazing montage  of pictures  to enhance  your story line . Vive les Belges

Thank you very much for your friendly note Charles...from the country of the best chocolates and some of best beers in the world :P

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