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Where is my Instructor?


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My good friend Captain Sawyer has been giving me free flying lessons.


He is very kindly allowing me to fly his brand new Yellow Bell 407.


This morning I drove over to 74S Anacortes Airport in the Pacific North West for my next lesson.


I waited an hour for Jack but he must be busy elsewhere.




Never one to wait around, I started the engine.




A guy on the ground seemed to be waving me off. So I thought that I had better start flying.




Fortunately, Captain Sawyer had left me a short list of instructions for the flight :).


My first task was to fly to Deception Pass.


As I head out over the water, I wish that I had taken those navigation lessons :(.




Eventually I find Deception Pass.




Task two is to fly under the bridge ;).




I need to keep my head down for this one.




Not too difficult.




Made it!




Task three is to avoid the wires.




The next task is to gain altitude I don't really know why :wacko:




Task five is 'Do a roll' :o




I feel more like a lawnmower now.




Why is the blood rushing to my head?




A nice recovery.




Task six - 'Do a loop' :huh:




Starting to feel like a Saturn V rocket.




Over the top.




My Instructor has given me a whole new perspective on the world.




Losing altitude.




Still descending.




And a nice recovery.




After all that I am starting to feel a bit flight sick. So I best head for Island Hospital.




A safe landing.




I think that I had better ring Captain Sawyer to collect his helicopter. I am not sure that I want to fly back :D.









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7 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Paul, you have earned your wings from the Sawyer school of "flying".


Absolutely brilliant, I couldn't have done it better myself.  You included all the proper maneuvers and did them perfectly!


Thank you for your kind words Jack! I try to learn from the best! :D

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1 hour ago, flyingleaf said:

Wow Paul well done. Good for you to turn this upside down ceiling fan right side up:rolleyes:. A few weeks ago I walked across that very same bridge. It looks just like it. The Mule Team has a lot to learn from you guys.:angry::lol::D


Thank you kindly Karl! It was good fun and I had a great teacher in Captain Sawyer! :D

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20 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Well done Paul, a thrilling flight with some well executed mxnoeuvres.:o

Some glorious scenery behind the antics too.:)


Many thanks Martyn! Great fun! Plus, the PNW is still my favourite region :).

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6 hours ago, BradB said:

Sawyer school of flying , boy where do I sign up .....:rolleyes::oB):lol:  BTW - Fab shots as always Paul !! .






Thank you kindly John! :). I will send you the application form. Be aware that it is printed upside down ;):lol:.

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59 minutes ago, adambar said:

Now that's a great bit of flying Paul! :lol:  I think i'll stick to fixed wing aircraft myself. :D


Many thanks Adam! :). I can highly recommend an occasional flight in a chopper! :D

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35 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey Paul. One of the few screenshot sets where the flying itself eclipses the scenery and plane. Amazing! Thanks!


Thank you for your kind words Rodger! Glad that you enjoyed it :)

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