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KMVY Bumble


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What a way to travel in style!  So are you bumbling around Martha's or bimbleing around?  When you land don't stumble after your bumble while you then bimble! :D  Great set here Martyn, I like this place, nice details, 4 & 5 are my faves of this lot.

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Bad weather, nice shots. And good to see you get the paramotor running without any traces of nuts or seafood.

Thanks Gerold but cant you see the prawn flying the paramotor who is obviously crazy.;)

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2 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Well isn't that a different view and aircraft ;) Nice drifting around there Martyn and some nice shots to go with the para-motor.

Thank you Landon, it is pleasant to go a bit slower than usual.:)

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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

What a way to travel in style!  So are you bumbling around Martha's or bimbleing around?  When you land don't stumble after your bumble while you then bimble! :D  Great set here Martyn, I like this place, nice details, 4 & 5 are my faves of this lot.

Thank you Jack, I am definitely bumbling around as bimbling is used by another flyer and I think bumbling is more apt for my flying!:rolleyes:

I did fumble while searching for a gumball and was worried if I would crumble in case I took a tumble but then I would be humble!:wacko:

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1 minute ago, BradB said:

You know what they say Martyn , keep it simple stupid . Simply put , these shots are all winners IMHO . :rolleyes:;):D:)





I resemble that incineration.:o

Thanks John.

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11 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thank you Jack, I am definitely bumbling around as bimbling is used by another flyer and I think bumbling is more apt for my flying!:rolleyes:

I did fumble while searching for a gumball and was worried if I would crumble in case I took a tumble but then I would be humble!:wacko:

:lol:  I have to say Martyn, you missed your calling, you should have been a comedian!  You always make me laugh, I can't believe how fast your mind works to find something humorous to say! :lol:

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6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

:lol:  I have to say Martyn, you missed your calling, you should have been a comedian!  You always make me laugh, I can't believe how fast your mind works to find something humorous to say! :lol:

Thanks Jack, maybe you are right but my biggest problem is making people laugh even when I not trying to be funny!:o

Like a broken record, I would much rather make people laugh than be nasty to them and I am very happy when I make you have a chuckle.:D

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5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Jack, maybe you are right but my biggest problem is making people laugh even when I not trying to be funny!:o

Like a broken record, I would much rather make people laugh than be nasty to them and I am very happy when I make you have a chuckle.:D

Don’t ever change Martyn!  :lol:

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12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

I have to say Martyn, you missed your calling, you should have been a comedian!  You always make me laugh, I can't believe how fast your mind works to find something humorous to say! :lol:

 Jack, how do we know Martyn is NOT a comedian? How much do we really know about him after all? Just sayin' 

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