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London to Spain

Jack Sawyer

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So I decided to make a 777 flight from Heathrow to Bilbao.  I looked it up, Bilbao has a long enough runway to handle a 777 so I made the flight, it was awesome.


Orbx Global, Europe L/C, Vector, Trees, LEBB, England, Adam's PTA, REX TD HD, AS4 on, PMDG 777, UT Live, and much much more! :)


Again, sorry for so many, I'm not as good as Gerold with narration unless I'm flying around Atlanta.


Followed the SID & STAR and made an ILS autoland.  Brilliant!






















After altitude restriction, throttles up and climbing to FL300

















Going to overfly LEBB for the KARMA transition so the A/P will turn us around.







Very beautiful Spanish countryside here!













One for Stewart!





























Overall it was excellent.  Not a long flight, about 90+ minutes.



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Fantastic sceneries below you in London, England and the Pyrenees, jack. Great flight, and I can understand your enthusiasm if all goes well with such a complicated bird.


Plus: Thanks for your compliment. Don´t forget all the others that add lots of local knowledge here, Martyn surely is one of the more prominent ones but I love to read from many others, too!

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6 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Fantastic sceneries below you in London, England and the Pyrenees, jack. Great flight, and I can understand your enthusiasm if all goes well with such a complicated bird.


Plus: Thanks for your compliment. Don´t forget all the others that add lots of local knowledge here, Martyn surely is one of the more prominent ones but I love to read from many others, too!

Thanks Gerold!  It's a wonderful plane, all you really have to do is figure out the weights and the plane does the rest, can get boring watching the screen waiting for TOD and then adjusting your altitude.  But quite the learning curve which I like.


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14 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent flight Jack and I recognise Portland and Jersey on your flight.

Great views out of LHR with some more recognisable features that I noticed.

Hats off to you for mastering such a complex plane.:)

Thanks Martyn!  I thought that was Jersey.  It looks cool from that height and you can barely make out the trees turning.

13 hours ago, paulb said:

That is a super series of shots Jack! You seem to have got your settings just right. ;)

I am impressed too by the perfect landing. Well done my friend!

Thanks Paul!  It's all done with autoland, this has to be the easiest PMDG plane to fly but there's always something new to learn.

13 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Very nice Jack. Good work with the triple 7, lots of system management there. Bilbao sure is a nice scenery package too!

Thanks Landon!  That's part of the enjoyment for me, learning how to manage these systems.  And I agree, LEBB is amazing.

11 hours ago, magic1 said:

Nice shots Jack!

Thanks Magic kind sir!

10 hours ago, olderndirt said:

All the way from London to Bilbao and never inverted - Airlines can be so fussy.  Really liked the belly shot just above touchdown.

Thanks OnD!  I'd have to shut off the flight control computers for that but if I did the passengers wouldn't like it.

9 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Wow, wow and wow Jack. Fantabolous shots:D. Awesome scenery. Love the shots by the landing gear.

Thanks Karl, I have always loved shots like that in real life since I was a kid and seeing NASA do it.

9 hours ago, BradB said:

Marvelous shots Captain Jack . :D:)





Thanks Captain John!

8 hours ago, adambar said:

Sensational set of captures Jack! :)

Thank you Adam, very pleased you like them.

8 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Wow Jack what a trip and fantastic screen shots my friend I really  enjoyed you trip and I love your shouts of the undercarriage well done my friend regards stewart 

Thanks Stewart, unique perspective isn't it?

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3 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:
17 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Very nice Jack. Good work with the triple 7, lots of system management there. Bilbao sure is a nice scenery package too!

Thanks Landon!  That's part of the enjoyment for me, learning how to manage these systems.  And I agree, LEBB is amazing.


Jack, I feel you on the enjoyment of aircraft and systems management, I just have gone down a different path as I get into those systems via A2A aircraft and their systems. It's hard to pick favorites, but I really love the Accusim B-17 and managing all her systems, but alas, she is not yet ready for P3Dv4. I have been seriously looking at the A2A COTS Connie for several weeks now, and I will probably be getting that one soon. Anyhow, your handling of that 777 is impressive and it's good to see you flying, as always :) 

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2 hours ago, Sniper31 said:


Jack, I feel you on the enjoyment of aircraft and systems management, I just have gone down a different path as I get into those systems via A2A aircraft and their systems. It's hard to pick favorites, but I really love the Accusim B-17 and managing all her systems, but alas, she is not yet ready for P3Dv4. I have been seriously looking at the A2A COTS Connie for several weeks now, and I will probably be getting that one soon. Anyhow, your handling of that 777 is impressive and it's good to see you flying, as always :) 

Now Landon, that's most impressive to learn all those steam gauges!  I was trained in modern avionics for decades, I did however cut my teeth on steam gauges when I worked F-111's.  But learning all those gauges on the Connie or B-17 is another story entirely.  Those guys really had their hands full, I have a lot of respect for what they accomplished back then.

If you buy the Connie, you'll love it!  You will grace our Orbx lands with the most iconic and beautiful planes ever.

31 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Splendid set indeed.



Thanks Iain!

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