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Everything posted by flyingleaf

  1. Wow, John them clouds almost made my bowels come loose. Great shots my friend and you have great weekend as well.
  2. Happy Birthday Don. Have another quickie (beer that is). Stay safe.
  3. Happy Birthday Iain and all the very best for you.
  4. Howdy guys. I'm sitting here with my ass in the hot sand and watching you guys shivering in the US and Canada. Would hurt my feeling if I had any, that is. But really look at the bright side. At least you don't have to drag a cooler full of ice around in this heat. Your beer stays cold. Cheers from Roody stay safe up there guys.
  5. Wow. Great shots great flying. I couldn't do that anymore I would fill my pantaloons. Well done Richard.
  6. Wow. That is truly a stunning shot. Love that sky. Well done. Enter that one in the contest Captain.
  7. Here is my favorite Pabst beer misunderstanding. Stay safe my friends and listen carefully to the wife unlike this guy. Cheers Karl.
  8. Hilarious. Cheers for this and no I ain't no beer snob. Cheers Karl.
  9. Great shots indeed. But that first one with that nasty looking sky and if I were flying that old crate I would have to be sitting on a porta potti. Well done Tiger as always.
  10. Wow. Truly wonderful shots Jaydor.
  11. I think I know this place. Is it Shitts Creek?
  12. I spend a lot of time with my best buddy Karl. He is getting old and demands a lot of attention, but he always buys me a few beers when I work on him and we have a larf or two. Here is a picture of him. Twenty-four years and humming along. He is my daily driver and he insists on it. Have a great weekend and stay save. Cheers Karl.
  13. Awesome shots John. Love them clouds and water shots. And nothing wrong with them good looking ladies neither.
  14. I purchased their 737-200 and happy about it. I will continue to "fly" my P3D 4.5 version for a long long time.
  15. It takes very little to make a woman happy. But it takes a lot less to make her mad. Beers
  16. Oh boy rats, hmmmm I think I'd rather stay with fish'n chips for now. And of course icy cold beers
  17. Well done Zara. Amazing good for you.
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