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Everything posted by flyingleaf

  1. Happy belated Birthday Mike. All the best to you.
  2. Great story. Nothing wrong with that record. Well done.
  3. Wow. Unless they have a brewery on board they ain't gonna see me on that flight.
  4. Marriage is a relationship in which one is always right and the other is the husband. Beers
  5. And so ends another week without me becoming unexpectedly rich. Beers
  6. Happy Birthday Gerold. All the very best to you my Friend. Down some of that great German beer.
  7. I still do. But right now I'm having a beer. Have a great week end. Stay safe.
  8. Great shots indeed John. Love and miss that beautiful windy city.
  9. My darling wife Kathy and I did a nice country drive when we came upon a road sign saying: "Cemetery One Mile, Landfill Two Miles". Well would you know that my sweet Kathy looked at me and said: " For you my darling Karl I go the extra Mile". Oh boy I need a beer or two.
  10. Oh my goodness Roger. A belated but very Happy Birthday to you my Friend. Long time no hear. All the very Best and many more. Cheers k.
  11. Happy Birthday Terry. Y'all deserve many, many cold ones and I'm joining you right at this moment. May we not wake up with a "terrible" h.o. All the Best young fellow and many, many more. Cheers k
  12. OK. True story if not it could well be and probably is. Once up on a time a Golden Retriever a German Shepherd and a cat passed on earth and got into Heaven. God was sitting on a high chair (ah OK, on a throne) and two empty chairs beside him. He asked: "You German Shepherd why do you want to come to heaven?: He replied: I have been loyal and protective of my loving family". God said: "Very well come and sit on my right side. God looked at the Golden Retriever and spoke: "What about you?" The Golden Retriever said: " Lord I loved and played with my human family". God said you may seat at my left side. God looks at the cat and asked what about you? The cat looks at God and says: "You are sitting in MY chair". Gosh I love cats don't you?
  13. Hot pot Chinese one time only. Had the pleasure to experience the burning "heat" twice. Once in the evening eating it ( and a five flats of beer to douse the fire). The second time I got to experience the burning heat was in the morning. But man it was delicious. (wont do it again though takes too much beer to douse the fire). k
  14. Nice. Rodger I like your Trudy better than my Kathy. This is what she played for me: ( should've posted it under "Dim the lights".
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