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Everything posted by flyingleaf

  1. Happy Birthday Graeme. Enjoy that beer or two or thr......, you've earned them.
  2. With all that lovely display behind you, Y'all "just" put a few steaks in the fridge? That place you're standing in sure looks like a great "medicine dispensary". Good looking barbie though I must say.k
  3. I just cut down on one or two beers and it seems sometimes better or not so much. Sorry if it don't healp Y'all so much. I know my spealling may ain't look so great, but Ah do try so healp me Oh Mighty. k
  4. Pretty close to the Mule Team, but we still got them beat. Bye the bye, I saw that Budweiser truck heading for the rescue. That ought to do it. Cheers and a Happy Easter to All, k🐰.
  5. If you ever were to fly with us the Mule Team. I would not recommend to ask Hilda to sit on your lap. Not that she would mind, but rather you would have severe injuries (Newton's law of gravity). Better just to ask her for a Beer instead. Cheers k
  6. July 23, 2024 fifty three years happily married. Well at least I am. I quit drinking for good. Now I only drink for bad. Cheers k
  7. My parents for sure. Mom's wooden spoon and Dad's explanation's of the wooden spoon's connection to my bum. I think I need a ...r , ah never mind. They "reared" me right I think, no for sure they did. Thank you Mom and Dad I love you and R.I.P.
  8. Nope, but that beer sure looks great. Great for you guys to meet. k
  9. Happy Birthday Filou and many more.
  10. A very Happy Birthday to you Wolfgang. All the best.
  11. As I always believe in truth: At 10 pm she is a 2 and at 2 am she is a ten.
  12. I was just kidding, but instead I had a few more, but alas I saw no circles except under my eyes the next morning . Cheers k.
  13. Huh? That pretty much how I spel.
  14. Even after I dumped out my beers I don't see any darned circles.
  15. Gosh, I just love that sweet old Pussy Cat. Great song. Cheers Adam. k
  16. Happy Birthday Holger. All the best to you.
  17. Awesome animals and movies. I howl like that when my beer fridge is empty. Ooops Sorry guys. This Mom was standing on the back deck with her son and a glass of wine in her hand explaining about alcohol. She said:" Look at the two Birds on that branch, son. An Alcoholic would see four birds sitting on that branch". He replied: "But Mom there is only ONE bird sitting on that branch". Go figure. Cheers k.
  18. Happy Birthday Rodger all the very best of health and all the other good stuff.
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