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Everything posted by Sniper31

  1. What a cool series Johnny, love the idea! Some wonderful looking images here of these vintage floatplanes with some beautiful scenery as a backdrop. Landon
  2. I second that! Great image Adam, very rustic feeling.
  3. Yay, Gerold strikes, er posts, again! And there is that lovely flight route map I always enjoy seeing Looks like a good little Eastern U.S. adventure brewing up there Make your way out to Colorado, and you have a place to stay.
  4. Yeah, I want to see that! Some nice images of the rocket takeoff though
  5. It's no Narvik, but some cool images regardless Carlos The water looks so calm in these.
  6. What a great way to enter orbit Jack, in the cool little Kit Fox. And to think, you didn't need no stinkin' oxygen...that's for lesser folk
  7. Yes, great airport scenery release is KRNT Renton, and what better place to show off the 247 beauty Paul Great images!
  8. My oh my! Classic image Iain! Love it!
  9. Man, Iain, you are on a roll! First you come out of the shadows posting block buster images again, and then all of a sudden Nick is throwing up some great images. What is happening over there across the pond? Whatever it is, I am loving the images you all are putting up here!
  10. That weathered MIG-21 is contrasting very well over these desert shots Iain. The detail on that livery looks like a lot of care and attention to detail went into painting it.
  11. Wow Nick, I agree, would love to see more sim images from you in the screenshot forum. These are great! And love seeing the Tri-Motor in the air over Iceland
  12. Very nice EGLC images Jack That is a fun airport to fly into and out of, with so much famous scenery all around.
  13. What a nice, shiny, beautiful and shiny aeroplane Paul It harkens back to the early part of the glory days of passenger travel. Great job getting her up and down safely
  14. What a fun adventure Bernd! Great job composing this together with the short story and great images Good fun!
  15. I think you will be happy with the P-38 Paul. It got some really excellent reviews back when it was released. I just have never bought it because I already had too many new aircraft when the P-38 came out.
  16. Well then, I am not a father in any country, but I want to wish all of my Aussie father friends on here a happy Fathers Day!
  17. A nice string of images as you fly up along the Sierras
  18. If you are really interested in a great bush plane, then I highly suggest you do some deep research between the Kodiak and the Twin Otter. Don't get me wrong, I love the Twotter, and I really was hoping for more when it was released for MSFS. I'll leave it there and let you make up your mind.
  19. Well Pete, some great looking images here. Lots of color depth! But, how in the world did you end up out in that grass field? I see runway and then the next thing, off the range you go.
  20. Looking like one sleek and fast lawn mower there Paul. I don't need my grass cut at the moment, but looking at these fine images, I think when I do need it done, you can fly that expensive lawn mower pretty fast and get the job done for me
  21. The Corsair is indeed a tough bird to fly and handle Bernd, nice job getting her down safely at a PNG strip! Cool bunch of images!
  22. Another cool Mig-21 image here Iain. So happy to see you posting more awesome sim shots!
  23. Very interesting image Iain. What IS that long skewer looking probe for? any ideas? Is it for inflight refueling? Some kind of sensor? Hmmmm....
  24. Some nice C310 images Jack. Your MSFS aircraft lineup is about the same as mine. Only real difference is I also have the SWS Kodiak inserted into the bush slot of the lineup
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