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Lost! Then stuck!


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What intended to be a flight from Manari to Efogi in PNG ended up in me getting totally lost.

In trying to fly over some high ground I headed off in the wrong direction.


Nice weather at Manari.



Gaining height as there is some high ground ahead.


Had to turn around and climb even more.


I think I am high enough to have another go. The weather had deteriorated very rapidly though.


Made it but gave the birds sitting in the trees a scare.


Just realised I am lost so according to my map(Google Earth) I have to head west.


Just seen this strip before the weather finally closed in.


One orbit to lose some height. A few minutes ago I was struggling to gain height.


Can see the runway through the gloom.


Cannot believe, runway ahead, everything perfect.


Down and a very steep runway means a quick stop.


Now stuck. Won't roll back any more and so steep the Jabiru won't go forwards.

Ended flight before finding out where I actually was.

What great fun this was though, getting lost and then finding the strip on the mountain side.

Will be back for more tomorrow and one day I hope I will find out which strip I landed on.

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Beaut set, great story, won't spill the name of where you got to 8)


Hint: Getting from Manari to Efogi is easiest going round the mountains not over: takeoff-turn right-altitude to 1000 above Efogi's-follow valley towards Kagi-turn right when you see Efogi and let down.


If the weather's bad, forget it and have a nice meal break with some of the locals :D

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I have had many a flight through the highlands where I was running out of altitude so can sympathise mate - Tim and Ken have created one of my favourite regions beautifully captured in your set.

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Fantastic flight and well photographed, this is some serious bush flying, great that you found that strip, won't give the name away so you can enjoy finding it again.



Thanks Ken, I will enjoy going back in some better weather.

So many pilots have lost their lives in PNG over the years..probably for a reason like your set

nice caps though



Yes Stu, the same dreadful thought crossed my mind when the clouds closed in.

Your not the only one Martyn that has gotten lost in this area , I have had many a senior moments in this area . :'( :'(





Thanks Brad. What makes it such an enthralling area to fly in.

Grand set these Martyn.



Thank Iain.

Great shots and story Martyn! Thanks for posting.

Cheers Karsten.

For sure! :)

Thanks RJ.

Beaut set, great story, won't spill the name of where you got to 8)


Hint: Getting from Manari to Efogi is easiest going round the mountains not over: takeoff-turn right-altitude to 1000 above Efogi's-follow valley towards Kagi-turn right when you see Efogi and let down.


If the weather's bad, forget it and have a nice meal break with some of the locals :D

Thanks, the Jabiru is not the greatest mountaineer either!

Looks like a very real PNG bushflight, with the fantastic visibility and all these navigatiion aids.

Yes Gerold, a typical well planned flight!

Amazing shots Martyn!! :smile:

Thanks Adam.

Now that you have mastered the P3D, brings us this great shots!



Thanks Voyager, for me P3D was the way to go.

Many thanks to you all for your great messages.

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GReat set, need to explore a lot there myself!

A great area to visit Dolf. Shall look forwards to some of your wonderful screenies from you.

Great set, cheers!


Yes a powerful aircraft is needed up in the mountains, with Mt Victoria (not far from Kokoda) being around 13000' the air gets pretty thin

Top class scenery Tim. Shall have to chose a better aircraft next time out!

Great shots and I got lost there to some times.




Thanks Ruud. Easy to get lost in this terrain.

I have had many a flight through the highlands where I was running out of altitude so can sympathise mate - Tim and Ken have created one of my favourite regions beautifully captured in your set.

Thanks Graeme. Possibly the the best airport from ORBX so far.

Thanks everybody for your great comments. Glad you enjoyed the post.

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