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Made redundant.. again

Jay Kae

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I owe John a major debt of gratitude for offering this opportunity to me and I will do him proud, there are no friends in business, I dare to say that is rubbish. John is a lifesaver for myself and my family and I will be in his debt for eternity.


Thank you my friend :)

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JV congratulations on employing JK.  I am sure that it will prove a really good commercial decision for Orbx as backend requirements must be increasing exponentially.  I can barely imagine the I/O of even one of your development teams as they develop from concept to beta.


Underfunded, or badly managed, or poorly lead or just a good but unmarketed commercial idea means that ICT businesses are incredibly volatile..

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Just so we are clear; this is not a permanent role, only a month long contract for Jay :)


Jay is one of the leaders in his specialist field in Asia/Pacific, and I am sure he will soon find another role with a major IT firm, I've no doubt about that at all.

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Coming a bit late to the party here... but sorry to hear you lost your job Jay. I thought it was a bit of a given that John would snap you up lol. All the same I wish you the best of luck finding a new permanent role after completing your contract for Orbx (which you will).


Paul :)

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Mates look after each other. This morning Orbx awarded Jay a contract to upgrade our backend infrastructure. It's the least I can do after Jay has worked tirelessly for eight years as my server guy without being paid anywhere near commercial rates, far from it.

Guys as skilled as Jay are never off the market for long; it's his former employer's loss and someone else's gain.

Awesome JV.

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Mates look after each other. This morning Orbx awarded Jay a contract to upgrade our backend infrastructure. It's the least I can do after Jay has worked tirelessly for eight years as my server guy without being paid anywhere near commercial rates, far from it.

Guys as skilled as Jay are never off the market for long; it's his former employer's loss and someone else's gain.

I think John Venema is really Santa Claus... I mean he got us all the best present ever... and he heard of a sad story that needed a happy ending and gave that to us too!.

He is either Santa, or running for Global President.... one of the two - either way... Thanks for being a great human being....

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 Chin up brother!


 look at how many people care about you man, you will be just fine, and your underlings will find their way...I'm sure you taught them well.


when one door closes 5 more open....... 

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I'm late reading this but I'm very sorry to hear Jay that you and others have been made redundant.  It isn't nice at the best of times and I am sure with your skills you won't be out of work for long.


Great news and thumbs up to John/Orbx giving you a contract which will help you whilst you look for a more permanant job.

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Only found this thread now - and being made redundant really sucks. I reeled quite a bit when the company I worked for quite suddenly kicked out 1/3 of the workforce including yours truely  (we were being sold - the numbers had to be made to look better). Anyway - in my line of work things are not that peachy nowadays, but I chose self-employment and in the meantime can manage to put the bread on the table (and the occasional addon on to the hard drive). Of course, having some skills helps tremendously - and from what I've picked up from you, Jay, that is the case.


You'll be back in full cry in no time!






PS - of yourse I hope your colleagues will also find something new in the near future.

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Sorry but I had to Yahoo “Made Redundant†in order to understand its meaning.

Jay Kae, from the preceding posts I see JV offered You a temporary position :smile:.

But I’m sure someone like You and with your expertise you will be off market in a jiffy.


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Most of you people probably know that Jay runs the Ozx systems too, at his own cost., and has done so for the past eight years.. Many of you probably have the three hundred or so freeware Aussie airports in your systems. . I hope this does not cause any problems by  my pointing out the fact that he has carried all the costs and all the servicing over there too.. now he is seeking help to keep the services running.. and that donations can be made here..


just a few dollars will help him keep afloat.. Teecee.

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Most of you people probably know that Jay runs the Ozx systems too, at his own cost., and has done so for the past eight years.. Many of you probably have the three hundred or so freeware Aussie airports in your systems. . I hope this does not cause any problems by  my pointing out the fact that he has carried all the costs and all the servicing over there too.. now he is seeking help to keep the services running.. and that donations can be made here..


just a few dollars will help him keep afloat.. Teecee.

Thanks for the heads up TeeCee.  Stopped by the FSS to help out first.  Now, Jay, I'm hoping this turns into an opportunity of a lifetime for you and your family.  And JV.........tip of the hat to you Sir.

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There you are Jay, hope that little bit helps. Good onya Teecee, I been meaning to do that for days.


And John, you're dead right, it's a great cause and Jay's worn it for too long.


Hope others follow suit now.





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Thank you so much guys, your kind words and support are appreciated by myself and my family


Hi Jay Kae,


just stumbled into this thread and had to read the bad news about your job. I myself started in IT in 1968 and was nearly 20 years a freelancer till I retired. The time as a freelancer was the best time I had. You should think about this possibility starting with the ORBX contract.


Anyway, I truly wish you all the best and good luck


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Yeah so this time, it looks like it is for real, all operations of my department have stopped as per immediately, we got called for a meeting, 5 minutes later I was packing my stuff up.. again and I am out of a job.


Very disappointed and hurt at the moment so I am just having a little vent



Mates look after each other. This morning Orbx awarded Jay a contract to upgrade our backend infrastructure. It's the least I can do after Jay has worked tirelessly for eight years as my server guy without being paid anywhere near commercial rates, far from it.

Guys as skilled as Jay are never off the market for long; it's his former employer's loss and someone else's gain.


Class Acts, both!

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This redundancy business is getting to be like measles in this Country.  Both need to be stopped!  I didn't like working before.  It interfered with my life and what I really wanted to do too much but I must say I would hate to be working during this period.  People can't plan and many have their lives ruined by redundancy.  Its terrible.


I feel for you all.



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