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This Week's Meaningless Topic (#145)(June 16)

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Hi all. Regulars on this thread fly the whole range of flight simulation versions. We enjoy FSX, P3D, X-Plane, MSFS, and perhaps others I've missed. We also avoid the trap of arguing about which is better, a byroad that leads to fruitless dead ends. Each of us, however, does deeply appreciate the particular version we use, and that leads to this week's topic.


THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC:  What do you like best about the flight simulation version you use?

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I use MSFS
and like the landscapes and the light.
I like to see parts of the world that I could never see in real life,
or I visit countries I have already been to.
I like the variety of very interesting aircraft and their different flying characteristics.
In general I like the peacefulness in the civil simulation,
no wars or conflicts, no aggression,
no paternalism or dictatorship, no suffering.
I can relax with a nice flight just like I can relax with a good book
or with nice music.


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P3D4 and sometimes FSX for me. I like their stability and knowing how to use the very familiar settings and assignments. With the full Orbx Global and Regional packages, I enjoy great scenery worldwide. Most of all, I love having access to hundreds of planes. Happy camper, am I 🙂.

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Continuity.  I started building an immersive cockpit in April, 2018 for FSX. I've since upgraded to P3D v5, and just completed my fourth iteration of my cockpit (pictures here in Tuesday's post "Promised Pictures").  The fact that, as W2DR remarks, that "everything works" is essential to such a project.  Assigning functions to dozens of controls, gauges and switches is straight forward, albeit tedious.  FSUIPC, SPADnext and the native P3D control assignments work very much the same way in P3D as in FSX.


That said, I also love what Orbx and a couple of other developers have done for both of these sims.

True Earth is wonderful!  Wish they would do more of these regions for P3D.


(For some pics of my earlier attempts, see Tom Tsui's website: FSXTimes.wordpress.com/DIY Cockpits. Scroll down for "Ken (KFRG, USA))." There should be three posts.  These are of the first two.  There are pictures of the third, and now the new one on this forum, Tuesday and the April 28 TWMT.



Edited by Ken Q
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I appreciate Prepar3d's View Groups.

I have a fully enclosed B738 cockpit, with 210 degrees of outside view. (About a 17 feet wide view, at 4 off 1920x1080 = 7,680 at 1080)

Next to me, on my left, I have a 75-inch Samsung monitor. About one metre from the cockpit, gives me a view from the top of window frame to about ground level. Great for watching the world as it slips by.

In front of me, two 56-inch Samsung monitors for coverage of both front windows. Where width is important and not height. And to my right, a 50-inch Samsung monitor against, and filling the right-hand window.

The View Group facility allows me to set up the continuous view, across different size monitors, set at different heights with correctly adjusted angles of view.

A great professional P3d feature.



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This is great, Aussie!  Very much along the lines of what I have as my goal, but larger since you have the B738 and I the little Mooney M20M. P3D's "view groups" is new to me.  I'd like to know more about your setup, as it represents my next step.



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4 hours ago, Ken Q said:

This is great, Aussie!  Very much along the lines of what I have as my goal, but larger since you have the B738 and I the little Mooney M20M. P3D's "view groups" is new to me.  I'd like to know more about your setup, as it represents my next step.



I just found the video that John Dow did of a flight in your sim.  Most impressive, and very inspirational.  I looked up "view groups."  Mystifying, but also useful.  Thanks for the clue. Now I have to figure out how to apply it.


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In general my intention of flying is already summarized by Bluebear above:

13 hours ago, Bluebear said:

I like to see parts of the world that I could never see in real life, or I visit countries I have already been to.
I like the variety of very interesting aircraft and their different flying characteristics.
In general I like the peacefulness in the civil simulation, no wars or conflicts, no aggression, no paternalism or dictatorship, no suffering.


Having said that, you may know that I have started trying MSFS only recently. For today I can summarize:

  • I am fascinated by the impression the scenery gets in MSFS even by default - and the potential to pimp it up by tons of freeware.
  • But flying the study level planes in my well-known p3dv4 brings more flight-simming fun. Plus, I have a full ecosystem with AS real historic weather (and seasons to adjust).


I will continue to use both sims - and therefore I strongly hope that Orbx reads this and continues the OpenLC Asia project.

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MSFS for me.  The eye candy, ability to instantly change time of day, weather etc make it my choice. I don't yet have the time to get in to "study level" but what this sim gives me is a great enjoyment when I get the chance to fire it up. I can even see my house! (albeit a bit generic).



Graeme :)

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I have to say I still use p3dv5.4, XP12 & MSFS, (both on PC and Xbox).....some may think I am a little mad but there are things in all 3 sims that I either like flying or something I purchased that I really miss from time to time.....I would if it ever got released buy LC Asia, I do enjoy some of the TE and LC variants in p3d and like others have said it's a mature and stable platform (nice way of saying old?)....XP12 I love the Toliss buses, Thranda's small planes, loads from Just Flight and Orbx scenery (though I wish we had an installer not a trick!!)....MSFS- looks amazing out of the virtual box, can fly around just looking and have fun, took time to get my head around Xbox controls but now I tend to go there before PC version, new controller soon hopefully....

I can't pin it down to 1, it's dependant on what I want to fly, or where, or how I am flying.....lucky storage is cheap...

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I use P3Dv4. I did have FSX on a previous computer but did not install on the new one I just got. P3D seems to work better than FSX with similar scenery. I also know how to create and modify airports for it and have a lot of scenery and planes so not a big incentive to change. I may try MSFS now that I have a computer that can handle it but am quite happy with the way P3D works especially with True Earth. I have considered version 5 but it is different enough to require a lot of work on the airports to make them compatible. I also like the 2D cockpit on the IFly 737 so changing to a virtual cockpit is not a big priority at the current time.


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On 6/15/2023 at 2:03 PM, Rodger Pettichord said:

What do you like best about the flight simulation version you use?


Hello Rodger,
for me, it is the MSFS scenery.
Previously, starting with FS 2002, I have spent days, if not weeks, downloading photoscenery
and now, it is all there, complete with autogen and scenery objects in one package.
I am not really a pilot at all, in fact I find the whole process of flying quite mystifying and the
minutiae of operating an aircraft, rather tedious.
If I had ever gone into the aviation industry, I think that it would have been as an aircraft mechanic,
I am fascinated by the machines themselves and in awe of some of them, such as the everlasting DC3
and the  wonder of how something like a 747 or the An 225 could ever take to the skies, but I never
harboured any ambition to actually drive one.
I guess that it's a bug to which  am immune but on the other hand, I have driven lorries (trucks) for the whole
of my adult life.
That was the ideal job for me, making a living doing something that I genuinely enjoy, to this day.

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