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About larryisenor

  • Birthday 09/29/1953

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  • Location:
    Calgary, Alberta

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  1. I like the detail on some of the mid size airports such as Monterey, Avalon, and Felts but don't really care about the interiors, although it is nice to see something through the windows when parked at a gate. At the larger airports sometimes the interior eye candy slows the sim so I would rather not have too much of it. Larry
  2. I also use P3D4 because it works well and few problems. I have thought about MSFS 2020 but haven't tried it yet so will probably wait until MSFS 24 is available and may give it a try depending on reviews. Larry
  3. The highest I have been is about 14000 but we stopped for an hour at 9000 to acclimate. Definitely some loss of cognition but most people were ok. They had oxygen on the van for any who needed it but only one person used it I think. It was at the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii where people work at the observatories for multiple days. Larry
  4. I usually only fly 2 planes - The default Mooney Bravo for low and slow and the I Fly 737-700. The Mooney is easy to fly and enough for sightseeing - Usually use the mini panel to give a bigger view of the world. The 737 is more complex but I have help (FS2Crew) to set up and follow check lists. I like the navigation challenge but usually fly on autopilot for most of the flight (except take off and landing). I also like the 2d panel as you can see everything in one view without scrolling around the screen. As for the exterior model - I don't really care as I am in the cockpit the whole time. Larry
  5. In addition to VFR and IFR I sometimes fly FFR (Feline Flying Conditions) Where the outside view is obscured by the cat (Thanks Hunter). Larry
  6. We have a winner. It is Taku Glacier Lodge from Southern Alaska. Here is a final shot when leaving:
  7. No not Tongass, it is farther south. As promised here is another photo taken from the same spot as the previous one. Larry
  8. In answer to the first question. Yes I have been at the seaplane base in downtown Juneau. In fact the flight to the airport shown took off from there but the photo is not Juneau. I'll give everyone another day and then I have another photo that may help. Larry
  9. Closer but not right yet. Paulk - Not Harbour Air and not BC. Larry
  10. OK try this one. Not a custom airport but in one of the scenery packages: https://i.imgur.com/NUEuPBG.jpg Doesn"t seem to embed but the link works Larry
  11. Very Easy since I live about 4 miles west of Runway 29 ( the diagonal one in the picture). The Parallel runway (17R-35L) just below the terminal is now being refurbished and is under construction for the next 2 years so we are getting more traffic where I live as they use the diagonal runway when one of the 2 parallel runways is out of service. The runway at the top is the longest in Canada at 14000 ft. Larry
  12. Try the west coast from Washington up to Alaska. Not a lot of airports in some areas but the scenery is great and navigation very interesting through the fjords. Larry
  13. My parents especially my mother as my dad died young. Since my interest in flight simulation 2 gentlemen who led me in the right direction in airport design and took the time to make my projects better - Al Gay from Flight Ontario and Neil Hill. Unfortunately both are no longer with us but I still hear them when I am designing an airport. Larry
  14. When flying the 737 my favorite is CYLW Kelowna. Great RNP approaches and departures in a narrow valley. When flying a Mooney VFR it is hard to pick there are so many choices. Larry
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