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It has been a somewhat expensive long weekend & I am grateful for Orbx's discounts & sales.

I started with Catalina Airport, then I had another look at EGKA, (Shoreham), as I liked the look of it & the 3 runway set up, which, I understand, goes back to WWII to allow landings regardless of wind direction.

Then there is it's Art Deco heritage & it's location by the sea with a river flowing past.

So it is an interesting airport to operate from & handy for jaunts to France.

I also added LPVL, (Maia-Vilar de Luz airport), near Porto, as I discovered it has a 7,500' runway & when I looked at the map of my current holdings I realized it is nicely placed for long hauls into different parts of Europe, & Scandinavia.

Thirdly I also took up CYBD, (Bella Coola), as it was one I enjoyed in P3D, plus a tweaked Stewart was thrown in.

Finally I added an aircraft, a Caudron-Rafale 430 by Bluemesh, who I have never heard of, but in MSFS these days that is not unusual.

From the marketing information: "The Caudron C.430 "Rafale" is a two-seater monoplane (or single-seater by closing the front seat), built by the company Caudron-Renault. It was designed by Marcel Riffard for the training of pilots who had to use racing machines like the Caudron C.362 or C450/460".

Being a bit of a sucker for vintage and/or unusual aircraft, it caught my eye.


The visual quality & sounds are very good. I have a few shots from Shoreham, where I endeavored to take flight.

I admit that I haven't quite got it sorted yet & need a longer runway than the one I initially chose.

I hope Estuary water in which it got a dunking won't dissolve it overnight!

Shoreham reeks of a bygone age, as does the Caudron, & I trust I can put together a successful mating of the too, in the sense that I can take it off & land it there!:)



Instruments helpfully labelled in French. I just read the numbers.



Side on, very sleek. Note the tail skid. I  need to keep off tarmac.



The throaty exhaust sound exits via the pipes, LHS of the engine bay. Prop position suggests the engine is inverted?



Taxiing out, grinding the tail skid down. Flaps are fairly massive & it can 'duck' wobble as you get up to speed prior to take off.


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