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This Week's Meaningless Topic (#11) (Nov 21)

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Hi all. In yet another attempt to keep us all out of trouble, I offer this chance to be busy contributing to a discussion that has no relevance whatsoever. Have fun.


THIS WEEK'S MEANINGLESS TOPIC:  What teacher influenced you the most? (For me, it was Dr. Henry Grosshans in my sophomore year of college. He showed me what real thinking looked like.)

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For me, it was an old Command Sergeant Major I was under when I was a young Sergeant. He told me that I could not change the entire Army on my own, but to focus my energy on my 'sphere of influence'....that is where I could potentially make changes if needed. My 'sphere of influence' would have been Soldiers that were under my leadership, my other Sergeant peers in the Infantry and my friends in the Army.




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My latin teacher, Mr Brown, at Boroughmuir School in Edinburgh.  His only presentation aid was a large wall blackboard with several chalk dusters.  While writing on the board he was radar tuned to the class behind him so, at the slightest mutter, he'd whirl around and deliver one of those dusters right on target.  He never hit a girl.

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mine was a teacher called Mr Strong, last year of junior school....tweed jacket, always green shirts, tie and what we called a tank top (jumper with no sleeves!).....very fair but strict teacher, taught me discipline and as long as you try your best always then you have never failed.....was always honest in what he said to you and encouraged you when needed.....I could give you a massive list of ones who were completely useless and unengaging....

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I was lucky enough to be taught by this remarkable man, though not at that school.

He was one of the very best teachers who could inspire interest in any subject.

He taught me History but more importantly, he taught us how to learn

and how to apply the knowledge gained.



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