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My "misadventue" at Courchevel ..... didn't come with flying lessons


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This is just a fantastic little airport and region. Beautiful scenery, fantastic quality, but didn't come with one critical component. 

Landing instructions … :o


So here's what happened ….


Cheers Renault


PS - this is just outright fun !!!!



What a beautiful spot. But nothings level ....




You can smell the fresh mountain air .... wow just simply superb!



I've got a room there for the night. But don't tell the better half ... I told her I got a discount because its not ski season yet:rolleyes:



I gotta have a "go" at this ... wish me luck 



Ah, oh , omg .... :unsure:



That actually wasn't so bad. It's a bit like having a "turbo boost" at just the right moment:D



There's so much to see. But for an "armchair pilot" like myself its a bit of a challenge



But hats off to Orbx -- what a fantastic little airport!!




Now this is the hard part I think ....


So far so good as they say ....




Ah guys..... this is a bit outside of my "area of expertise I think "




Really officer ... It's exactly as I described....

One minute I up there thinking what in the world am I doing, and the next minute I'm here..... I think I feel a bit ill:wacko:




But I got to ask you. What other scenery designers would stop traffic and dispatch the service departmentaux d'incendie et de secours
(the SDIS) just for you because you didn't quite get the landing correct ?




Hats off to Orbx!

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10 hours ago, razgo said:

Fantastic set of shots! Love it! 

Thanks very much




9 hours ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Wow, Renault. Gotta admire your bravery for giving it a shot. Reminds me of Lukla in Nepal. You are right -- this is some kind of scenery package.

This is the neatest scenery Rodger. It is so darn immersive it is almost scary. With the undulating runway, the unexpected happens right in front of you and its hard to keep 

repeating …. its only a sim, its only a sim!

Cheers & thanks for commenting



8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set of shots these.



Thanks Iain

See you:)



4 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great shots, beautiful scenery.

Thank you John




1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Excellent Pete and as soon a Is can drag myself away from real-world stuff like painting some walls I fully intend on taking off from there in a wait for it...747.

You can paint walls anytime B)


Taking a "7" is an experience that will only happen to you once. After that it will always be " I've done this before ……"

Paint brush and rollers down ….. go for it and let us see what you do!




55 minutes ago, Dario said:

Super shots, Jack! That's what sims are for :) ! 

Thanks (I think :unsure:)



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On 9/28/2019 at 9:58 AM, olderndirt said:

What a great place for a student pilot - sort of a filter like which of these pictures show a runway. :)

Its a great place but scary too. 

This is one of the most fantastic sceneries I have ever flown in. :)

It is outstanding and so immersive!




On 9/28/2019 at 11:23 AM, ikbenik said:

Very nice serie of shots and indeed a very challenging airport to fly off and land on for sure. I'm curious to see Jack around here in his B747 :D


MIght be a bit much for the little runway :o

Thanks for commenting




On 9/28/2019 at 12:40 PM, bernd1151 said:

Fantastic screenies, Pete. And for the landing...well, you could have had a few practice rounds first at Lukla :D:D 

I did actually manage to land. Two days and 29 attempts. :)

Cheers Bernd



On 9/28/2019 at 2:09 PM, JohnnyJohnJohn said:

That's why I am practicing more and more on airports with published approaches first before airports with no procedures!  It helps get a feel for how far out you should be with them. Nice shots though!

Thank you . I'm glad you enjoyed them



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13 hours ago, Neptune6 said:

Hi Renault nice shoot and comments  look at this for the APP may be help you ..!



Gosh Patrick


Thanks so much. This was absolutely fantastic. 


It really helped a lot. I tried 3 times, using what I learned from watching the video and was successful on 2 . I am pretty pleased with myself!





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23 minutes ago, adambar said:

At least you were taken care of R! :D

Indeed Adam. Indeed:)


The other thing I learned from the video is how incredibly accurately Orbx has modelled the region and the airport.


It is as true to life as one could wish for :)





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