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Papua New Guinea - what a nice region to fly!


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At Kosipe:




They even move. Say cheese!




Flying to Ononge:




Look at those mountains:




Runway in sight:




Short final:




Oh, is this really a runway? I forgot my jeep at home!!!! 








Some guys were waiting for me:




Come on! Are these photos or ORBX Scenery? (right answer: ORBX):













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16 hours ago, Stillwater said:

You mastered this runway with quite big a plane, Dario...!


Not an easy nor smooth landing (the sloped and bumpy runway is difficult to master, it even makes a curve to the right in the middle, and there is also the high altitude that requires more speed....), but the good news is everyone arrived safely... :)  @Stillwater Thanks for your comment! 

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12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Nicely captured Dario!  I will always wonder why the locals don't improve these, I mean I'm sure they have shovels.


I enjoy your sense of humor very much indeed :) @Jack Sawyer ! 


But you know what? Those runways are so much fun that I think we should "downgrade" some runways in other regions, making them as bumpy and tricky as these :) 

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1 hour ago, gregmorin said:

ONG in an Arrow is impressive!




Not an obvious option, the engine is in its limits. I normally fly there with either a Twin Comanche or the Twin Otter. Thanks for the comment! 

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12 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

You are covering so many amazing places in your posts Dario.

Another excellent set and very well flown too.:)


Thank you very much, @VH-KDK :) 


12 hours ago, TerribleT said:

Brilliant shots mate!  Great piloting too!  I usually cheat and use the Porter at these strips :lol:


Thank you very much, @TerribleT! Your cheating makes it safer for the passengers! :) 


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