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My last flight under Windows 7


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... and this was done nearly 2 months ago. With real weather on that day. And after installation of the latest ESSA version, which should have supported SODE jetways.


Catering services for the Smörebröd and some fantastic fish "tapas" under way.



Parked in the right area for the airline. But obviously SODE did not recognize that... so boarding happened by bus.



Bye bye winter.




You can clearly see Copenhagen below. Well, somehow you can: For example the Öresund bridge in the little gap between the clouds.



This is Hamburg. Slightly hidden under some coverage...



And here we are established to capture the glideslope in Hanover.



Somehow GEN was already on spring, whilst Aerosoft still believed the airport needed snow. But ok, at least I found the runway!


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Nice flight, Gerold. The snow issue is the same in Aerosoft's Tegel. Regarding your problem with the jetway: I don't know which AFCAD file is used by GSX. I find it to be more often incorrect than correct. However, in the AddOn Menu, you can pick the SODE menu and see if you can move the jetway there.



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2 hours ago, Captain Lars said:

Nice flight, Gerold. The snow issue is the same in Aerosoft's Tegel. Regarding your problem with the jetway: I don't know which AFCAD file is used by GSX. I find it to be more often incorrect than correct. However, in the AddOn Menu, you can pick the SODE menu and see if you can move the jetway there.


Thank you Lars - for your kind words and the hint! I´ll check that once I encounter the next SODE deficit.


2 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Great shots and and flight Gerold!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I assume you have Windows 10 now?  I miss Windows 7 it was my favorite.

Thanks John. Yes, I have moved to Win 10, and I still have to struggle with the changes to the user interface. I miss the simple start menu structure...


2 hours ago, oldboy43 said:

Thanks Gerold, very nice shots.



Thank you Karoly!


1 hour ago, BradB said:

Great to see your shots again Gerold , RIP WIN7 ......:):(:D



Sometimes you have to go with the crowd, John... as the Redmond guys will stop Win 7 support next January.


1 hour ago, olderndirt said:

Back in action and looking great.  They'll have to remove Windows 7 "from my cold dead hands" :).

Thanks for your warm welcome, OnD. I can understand your intention...

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10 hours ago, musterpilot said:

Very nice indeed


Thank you John!


10 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots Gerold.



Thanks Iain!


6 hours ago, lauriebe said:

Very nice set.

Good to see you like it, Laurie.


17 hours ago, Capt Pugwash said:

Great shots Gerold, Win10 it will grow on you... :)

Thank you for the motivation... as said I am still encountering surprises with win10.


15 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Very cool Gerold, I didn't know people were still using Win 7.  These are wonderful shots and I love that Airbus!

Never change a running sysem, Jack - and there are still many pilots out there on the successful win7. But times are moving now.


9 hours ago, andiflyit said:

Das wird aber auch mal Zeit Gerold! :) Win 10 leistet erheblich mehr, wirst sehen.


Great set Gerold, even if I'm not really interested in groundservices….

Ich bin mal gespannt - aber eigentlich soll das Betriebssystem nur funktionieren und keine Ressourcen fressen.


I like to have commercial flights filled up with realism. And I need some time for starting up the plane anyway, so why don´t I load some human cargo?

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On 4/9/2019 at 5:41 PM, mikee said:

Great Set of Shots :)

Thank you Mikee!


On 4/10/2019 at 6:30 AM, adambar said:

Terrific flight and shots Gerold! :)  I'm still running 8.1 myself without any problems, so, until I'm forced to purchase a new computer with Windows 10 that I don't really want, this is wher I'll be. :D

Thanks Adam. Don´t change before you are forced to - be it the computer or the OS. Win 8 should have some more years of official support from today.


On 4/10/2019 at 8:22 AM, European Mountain Man said:

Fantastic set of shots Gerold and i enjoyed your flight and you can keep the snow i do not want it regards EMM

Thank you Stewart. I promise my next flights will not show snow.


11 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Numero uno set of shots!!

Gracias Erik!


4 hours ago, wain71 said:

great shots, looked a good one...

Thanks Wain.

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