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Vitality at last


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Bournemouth is now complete.



Wessex Way and Queens Park golf course are under the Baron but more importantly the Vitality Stadium is now present.

The home of EPL club AFC Bournemouth can be seen under the port wing.


Holy geez this is good but so much for me to learn getting to know XP-11

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2 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey VH-KDK. Very nice shot that leads me to ask in all seriousness -- is  it that hard to go from FSX to X-Plane? I love the X-Plane screenshots but the task of learning a whole new system scares the pants off me.

Do it Rodger, I have an old system but I am getting pleasing results and I am wondering just how good X-Plane must be running it on a com with the recommended specs.

We are never too old to learn and if I can do it...……..:lol:




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2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Do it Rodger, I have an old system but I am getting pleasing results and I am wondering just how good X-Plane must be running it on a com with the recommended specs.

We are never too old to learn and if I can do it...……..:lol:




Yeah, but Mom always liked you best.

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15 minutes ago, Rodger Pettichord said:

Hey VH-KDK. Very nice shot that leads me to ask in all seriousness -- is  it that hard to go from FSX to X-Plane? I love the X-Plane screenshots but the task of learning a whole new system scares the pants off me.

Piece of cake Roger , you can be up in flying in 5 minutes . Sure pedels and yoke might take some time setting up but once it's all set , your good to go .



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2 hours ago, lauriebe said:

Nice one Martin.


Rodger, as Martin says, go for it.  I run both FSX and XP11 on a medium spec machine.  Pleased with the reults.

Cheers Laurie, I have been thinking about it for a while but seeing all of the wonderful images from places I know so well made me take the step.:)

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2 hours ago, BradB said:

Piece of cake Roger , you can be up in flying in 5 minutes . Sure pedels and yoke might take some time setting up but once it's all set , your good to go .



I have never had to set up the controls but I did make a hash of trying to change control functions but I was able to reset it to default and now all is well.;)

It was very easy to calibrate the yoke and pedals.:)

There are some very handy videos (embedded in the mxnuel) as well as the mxnuel.:o

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2 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Martyn!  You did it, you made the crossover to XP, good on ya.  I like this shot.

Many thanks Jack. I think that the fact that it is an area that I know that has made me change but well worth it.:)

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2 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn. I used to have X plane 9. Liked it very much once I figured it out which was pretty involved.. Gosh it' tempting. Seeing these pictures makes you wanna switch. 

Cheers Karl, a lot to learn but hopefully I will be able to find some different planes as well as the wonderful scenery.:)

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 3:44 PM, lifejogger said:

I may have to bite the bullet and pay for XP11, just when you think you getting the hang of it the demo shuts down and you have to start all over.

Frustrating isn't it John. 

I think it might be why they did it, just enough to tempt us!

Once TEGBS is added it is money well spent IMHO.:)

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On ‎11‎/‎22‎/‎2018 at 5:59 PM, paulb said:

Excellent! Well done my friend. Glad that you decided to give it a go. Isn't TEGB wonderful :D

Thanks Paul, definitely one of the best things I have done for a while.

Now all I have to do is find the time.:rolleyes:

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On ‎11‎/‎23‎/‎2018 at 3:42 AM, Stillwater said:

Great quality shot, Martyn. Is this your home region?

Cheers Gerold.

I was originally from close to Guildford (Effingham:o) but lived in Bournemouth from 1966 to 1975.

Needless to say I will be doing a lot of flying around these areas.:)

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