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6 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Wait, what!?  How did you do this?  Was it that program where you can fly two planes?  No matter, I love these, it would be cool to be in that Goose and see a P-51 flying next to you.

Thank you Jack, please look below.:huh:

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Yesterday I tried to use the Formation Flying add on but as usual for me I could not get it to work, always happens when I try to use any sort of add ons like this.:(

It did not appear in the Add  On drop down on the menu bar in P3DV4.0

When taking some images at KSFF this Goose appeared which I would be fun to chase.

So I don't know what has happened to make it appear as I selected four A-26 Invaders for my formation flight.

A mystery so I will have to see if any more geese or other planes appear when starting a flight.

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On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 3:42 AM, Stillwater said:

Do I understand correctly the goose appeared by chance in your sim? That would be too cool. Which AI program do you use?

I tried using the Formation Flying tool Gerold but with the Invader not the Goose which just happened to taxi past so I thought why not!:)

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On ‎9‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 6:39 AM, Rodger Pettichord said:

How in the....? That said, the two planes make me think of Dad Goose and little kid Mustang--"Watch me! Daddy, watch me. Watch me!"

One of life's mysteries Rodger but it was hard as the Mustang doesn't want to go at 110kts!:o

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