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Across the foot


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This flight is from Malta across the bottom of Italy to Dubrovnik

Perfect AS16 weather greets our flight a pleasant change from the cloudy conditions I have come across recently.



Not much to see at LMML Luqa so here is the harbour at Marsaxlokk


The islands of Malta and Gozo.


Soon crossing the Sicilian coast at Granelli


Ahead is Mount Etna which is sleeping today.


Over Etna with the Aeolian Islands in view which include the volcanos of Vulcano, Stromboli and Lipari.


The Straits of Messina which separate Sicily and mainland Italy. The 2 761 foot pylons that carried the power lines across the strait were the tallest in the world. They were replaced by a submarine cable in 1994 but have been preserved.


7.The  Gulf of Sant'EuphemianA5gus5.jpg


8.Looking back at the Gulf of Toranto.



9.Lago Arvo, created as a hydro electric project in the 1920s




Leaving Italy at Bari for the flight across the Adriatic to LDDU.


8 and 9 are out of sequence for some reason I cannot change them as the BBC codes are showing as pictures!


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On ‎15‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 10:48 PM, Jack Sawyer said:

Another terrific tour Martyn, fascinating about the power lines.  I've always wanted to visit Malta and go scuba diving off the coast for personal reasons.

Be careful about diving around Malta Jack as the water is full of blind mullet:ph34r:, sewage treatment is not one of the things they are noted for.:lol:

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On ‎16‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 3:22 AM, Sniper31 said:

Very nice flight Martyn, and love the Malta Airlines livery :) I had a penpal in Bari Italy when I was in high school...been awhile since I heard that name ;) 

Thanks Landon, it is quite a smart livery. I didn't realise Bari was so far down the country.:huh:

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On ‎16‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 6:58 AM, European Mountain Man said:

Fantastic set of shots martyn and I must say I enjoyed your flight and I like the livery on your aircraft regards EMM

Thank you Stewart, I am happy you liked the flight and the colours on the A320.:)

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On ‎16‎/‎05‎/‎2018 at 3:39 PM, paulb said:

Splendid sunny shots Martyn! I like the livery on your airplane :)

Thanks Paul, the weather is a pleasant change from the usual overcast.:)

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15 hours ago, Stillwater said:

I did not have that much luck with the weather when I was in Italy some weeks ago. But I was not able to take pictures from outside the plan anyway, so no matter.

Nice report, part 1.

Thanks Gerold, even the sunniest of places have to have rain some when.:lol:

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11 hours ago, Martin Poole said:

looks great feels very Hot out there

Thank you Martin, no matter what the temperature it is outside the temperature always rises when trying to land the plane.:D

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11 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Once again Martyn great shots. Interesting trip. Especially about the powerlines 761 feet wow.

Thanks Karl, I can remember seeing these pylons on the tv one night, they were very impressive.:P

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2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Be careful about diving around Malta Jack as the water is full of blind mullet:ph34r:, sewage treatment is not one of the things they are noted for.:lol:

Seriously?  That's wretched, I never knew that.  What a bummer.

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