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Off to the Highlands part 2


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Continuing my flight from Southampton to Inverness in the BA A319.




The Thames flows through Oxford with Kidlington on the left.



Looking back at Oxford.



G-EUPK is an A319-100 delivered to BA in May 2000.



With the heavy cloud there is not much to see until we get a glimpse of Coventry.



The Midlands were also hidden by cloud but West Yorkshire can be seen here at Dewsbury and Wakefield with the River Calder.






The Wharfe and Aire Rivers pass either side of Leeds Airport at Yeadon.



On the right is the River Ure in the Wensleydale area which will please Wallace and Grommit fans.



Just south of the border at Carlisle.



Megget Water flows into St Mary's Loch in the Scottish Borders area.



Edinburgh on the banks of the Firth of Forth.



I routed( pronounced root not rowt!) over the bridges hoping for a view but as luck would have it they were almost obscured by cloud.



The River Tay at Perth.



The beautiful town of Pitlochry which sits on the River Tummel.


Not far to inverness now, to be concluded soon.





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Nice survey of the country, Martyn, with great views.


6 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

hoping for a view but as luck would have it they were almost obscured by cloud.

Didn´t these nerds say everything woulb be better with the cloud >:D?


7 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

The River Tay at Perth.

And I thought Perth would be at the banks of the South Esk River. Or the Swan River :blink:

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13 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Continuing my flight from Southampton to Inverness in the BA A319.

Edinburgh on the banks of the Firth of Forth.

The beautiful town of Pitlochry which sits on the River Tummel.

Not far to inverness now, to be concluded soon.



Thanks, Martyn, you bring me in the mood,....two weeks holiday ahead this September to the Highlands.....

We have been there in the Seventies so many times, but never came back......this summer we will.

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11 hours ago, flyingleaf said:

Alright once again great shots Martyn. And of course you insist:rolleyes: that I must  know exactly where your 'rowt' is taking you. I m jealous:angry:.( Of course not:lol:)

I felt the rowt was taking me round abowt.:huh:

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7 hours ago, adambar said:

Thanks for the great ride and views Martyn! :)  Can't forget the free beer to help calm the old nerves. :lol:

Cheers Adam, I don't think the A319 has the room needed for all medicinal beer to cure the passengers of my flying!:lol:

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1 hour ago, European Mountain Man said:

Fantastic set of shots Martyn so that is where you have been hiding and I enjoyed you flight and your set of shots regards EMM

I am currently taking refuge in the clouds Stewart.:ph34r:

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21 minutes ago, Sundancer said:


Thanks, Martyn, you bring me in the mood,....two weeks holiday ahead this September to the Highlands.....

We have been there in the Seventies so many times, but never came back......this summer we will.

I hope you enjoy your trip to the Highlands.

I went in the early 70s as well and thoroughly enjoyed it, even the weather.:D

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10 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

I hope you enjoy your trip to the Highlands.

I went in the early 70s as well and thoroughly enjoyed it, even the weather.:D


In the 70s we did camping, but now being a bit older we rent an appartment.

So no flooded tents anymore...;)

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