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Rainy Roland


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Anyone who has visited the north coast of Tasmania will be familiar with the prominent Mount Roland.

Also a good opportunity to test out the IRIS Jabiru J160 in V4.0



It is raining as we taxy out from Devonport.



After lifting off from 32 over the sea we are heading inland again over YDPO.



The Mersey River Conservation Area at Tarleton.


The Forth River has been dammed to form Lake Barrington. Mount Roland is now clearly in the distance.



It is easy to remember Mount Rowlands 4049ft height in metres. It is 1234msl. You can just make out Claude Road strip to the left of the Jabiru.


There are plenty of great bush walking tracks in this conservation area although the idea of a cable car to the summit has the local opinion divided.

I am not local but I think it should be left just the way it is.

The rain has finally stopped.


Horses and cows greet us at Claude Road.


With the trees I think this is a very poplar:wacko:place to visit.


The Jabiru is for V3 but works as expected in V4 and it is still a pig to handle on the ground.:rolleyes:

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Fantastic shots of "the other end of the world" (compared to your recent posts... basically it is the correct end!). Some typical May weather and I am happy to see so much OZx stuff is working for you.

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6 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Fantastic shots of "the other end of the world" (compared to your recent posts... basically it is the correct end!). Some typical May weather and I am happy to see so much OZx stuff is working for you.

Thank you Gerold, I thought that Oz would be the proper place to try the Jabiru but I suppose I should have tested it at YBUD, where good help would have been close to hand if there had been any gremlins.B)

I am happy as well as I enjoy the OZx airports.

Just tried again but the site is still down.

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2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Just tried again but the site is still down.

Did the same. I keep my fingers crossed until they are blue to support Jae getting it back online again. It is one of the most important FS freeware hosts, if not THE most important.

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14 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Did the same. I keep my fingers crossed until they are blue to support Jae getting it back online again. It is one of the most important FS freeware hosts, if not THE most important.

Yes, I agree with you Gerold and so many great paints too along with the airfields.:)

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39 minutes ago, Ken Hall said:

Great seeing these, Claude Rd  and Mt Roland we’re my 1st ever sceneries


I didn't realise that Ken.

You did a wonderful job, many thanks for making it all possible.:)

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28 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Very nice Martyn!  I wonder if Orbx would ever incorporate OZx into their catalog?

Cheers Jack, it would be great for that to happen.

I just hope that they are all able to work in the new AU.:unsure:

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