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I installed the FSX default 774 into P3DV4.0 yesterday along with an RB.211 sound set and a TG livery.

In celebration I shall do a flight from Phuket to Don Meuang.



Departing VTSP in the haze again, I must change the date and get a clearer view on departure.


Over the northern tip of Ko Yao Yai.


Still over Phang Nga Bay and Ko Yao Noi.


Passing the locality of Laem Sak and Phang Nga in the distance.


The Phuket Mountain Range, part of the Tenasserim Hills and the Khlong Phanom NP.


Leaving some stormy weather behind at Hat Sai Ri.



To the far left is Myanmar and the Andaman Sea as we pass the Nong Kammasao region.


Into some more violent tropical weather at Khiri Khan


Looking back towards Kui Buri


Some very turbulent weather which is the norm in this part of Thailand.


Some more stable weather as we cross the coast at the top end of the Gulf of Thailand with the metropolis of Bangkok in view.



Descending at Om Noi with another view of Bangkok


Now at Rangsit and almost there


A bit previous with the thrust reversers and somehow I missed the ILS beam but still managed to pull off a good landing for me.


A nice simple plane for me along with many different liveries available, right up my street!

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26 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

Fantastic livery, geography teaching and colours in this post, Martyn.

I can read between the lines you enjoyed returning there, even though it was only virtual.

Cheers Gerold, it is nice to visit places I know and very lucky to have the airports well represented.:D

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9 minutes ago, flyingleaf said:

Great shots Martyn as always. Love the way that water looks.:)

Thankk you Karl.

I was very careful with showing the water as the large areas of shallow water are too angular and tiled which doesn't look the best.

In small patches it is just right though.

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41 minutes ago, BradB said:

You can be my Captain anytime Martyn , but I'm riding in the back like my friend Dennis :





Way to go John, a little different from the way I travel and the food looks much better too.:D

I must say as much as I like the 777 I do miss traveling on the 747s, a beautiful plane that is now becoming a rare sight as a passenger jet:(.

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Hey nice shots - you weren't kidding when you said we could almost cross paths in my other Thailand thread! Looks like you flew exactly the same area as me yesterday.


5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:


Over the northern tip of Ko Yao Yai.



I did the short hop from Phuket to Ko Samui in this haze and it was even worse on arrival into Ko Samui - I had to go around for the visual landing which was invisible until about 600ft!


5 hours ago, VH-KDK said:


Into some more violent tropical weather at Khiri Khan



You can see where I landed after leaving Ko Samui in that shot! 


Here is what that same spot looks like from a little closer to the ground/water :D




I have to say, considering it's not a full FTX region or an OLC region, you can still get some nice looking scenery flying in these parts with just global/vector.

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21 minutes ago, Musketeer said:

Hey nice shots - you weren't kidding when you said we could almost cross paths in my other Thailand thread! Looks like you flew exactly the same area as me yesterday.



I did the short hop from Phuket to Ko Samui in this haze and it was even worse on arrival into Ko Samui - I had to go around for the visual landing which was invisible until about 600ft!



You can see where I landed after leaving Ko Samui in that shot! 


Here is what that same spot looks like from a little closer to the ground/water :D




I have to say, considering it's not a full FTX region or an OLC region, you can still get some nice looking scenery flying in these parts with just global/vector.

Many thanks for that Mr Musketeer. 

I flew my C-46 from KO Samui across to Chumpon just before lunch, a very pleasant hop with some low cloud. My FSX Ko Samui installed into V4.0 With a few small anomalies but I can live with that. I will try and post it later. Good luck with the rest of your tour. 

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