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Chasing Storms in NE Texas - SkyForce


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The first severe storms of 2018 were dropping a few tornado's east of the Dallas Metroplex this afternoon . Here are a few shots west of Tyler TX using SkyForce :






Kind of looking like a wall cloud forming , but that's all I was able to capture :




Have a great week mates !!





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17 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

John, some of your most compelling and incredible images yet!  Do not touch those settings, they look picture perfect!

Yep , pretty happy with Adam's new preset . Looks like you might get a few T-Storms in the next 24 hours . :D:(



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Just now, BradB said:

Yep , pretty happy with Adam's new preset . Looks like you might get a few T-Storms in the next 24 hours . :D:(



I doubt it John, it's very weird where I live.  I've spoken to an 87 year old ex-Air Force metrologist about it, my own theory why we seldom get thunderstorms in my subdivision and he said I was correct.  It's the geography and the cold water of the river so close by.


I call it several things depending on how the storm approaches.  1) The Douglasville skirt, because it skirts us by, 2) The Douglasville Split, because when it approaches us it always splits, and 3) Under the dome because you could go three miles in any direction from the subdivision and the park (1400 acres) and you'l get some awesome storms.  But above us, silence.  I also call thunder echoes "hand me down" thunder.


The guys who work at the park call it "The Vortex."


But here's hoping!

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