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Need my sunglasses

Jack Sawyer

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Airdrie, CEN4 to CEJ4, Claresholm.


Lots of the white stuff below again, need some good sunglasses.  Nice detail on these airports too.


Me and the wife take off for Claresholm, hope they have some good steak there!





Low clouds



Not a lot of runway here.









Too cold to sit at that picnic table



Aw, there's a bar & grill, I'd like a steak







Now, which one of you is gonna be my dinner?



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7 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful series again Jack.

Not sure about this white stuff though, looks like summer is a distant memory in the north.:o

I hope you both enjoy your steak, making me feel hungry but it is soon time to make some zeds.^_^

Thanks Martyn, maybe I should go to Oz!  I need to check them out anyway, no snow there right now right? ^_^


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14 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Martyn, maybe I should go to Oz!  I need to check them out anyway, no snow there right now right? ^_^

No snow here Jack, had the air con working for the first time this season today.:o

Plenty of tender, juicy steak, if you can afford it.:rolleyes:

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3 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

No snow here Jack, had the air con working for the first time this season today.:o

Plenty of tender, juicy steak, if you can afford it.:rolleyes:

As I type this at 6:16 AM local, it's 4.4C and I love it.  Good riddance to that stifling insufferable heat and humidity.  :angry:


When I was in the UK I ate a lot of Shepard's Pie, I couldn't get enough of it and steak too.  And that was at the height of the BSE stuff, so now, per the Red Cross I can never give blood.  Despite me volunteering to have a very painful spinal tap done and all negative they will never let me give blood.



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3 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

As I type this at 6:16 AM local, it's 4.4C and I love it.  Good riddance to that stifling insufferable heat and humidity.  :angry:


When I was in the UK I ate a lot of Shepard's Pie, I couldn't get enough of it and steak too.  And that was at the height of the BSE stuff, so now, per the Red Cross I can never give blood.  Despite me volunteering to have a very painful spinal tap done and all negative they will never let me give blood.



Same here Jack, always too afraid of needles to give blood and now I have overcome that fear I cannot because of being in England when the BSE scare was on.

We see Mad Cow Disease here most week days when the stupid mothers are taking their kids to school in their cars. Dare get in their way and you will pay!:o:ph34r:

Love Shepard's Pie especially with melted cheese on top.

I'm off to bed cu the morrow!:)

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1 minute ago, VH-KDK said:

Same here Jack, always too afraid of needles to give blood and now I have overcome that fear I cannot because of being in England when the BSE scare was on.

We see Mad Cow Disease here most week days when the stupid mothers are taking their kids to school in their cars. Dare get in their way and you will pay!:o:ph34r:

Love Shepard's Pie especially with melted cheese on top.

I'm off to bed cu the morrow!:)

Cheers Martyn!  Mad Cow, I see what ya did there!  :lol:

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Wow what super set of screen shots and plenty of that horrible white stuff I do not think it will be long before I will be getting some of that it is going to go colder the weekend

it is ok on a Christmas card  .

We will be having shepherds pie sat and Sunday for dinner you can pop over if you want Jack for dinner ,

did you enjoy your steak haven't had that for a long time  regards stewart

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4 hours ago, paulb said:

Great series of shots Jack! :). Nice to see a bit of snow (in the sim ;)).

Thanks Paul!  Too much for me so I'm heading Down Under. ^_^

3 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Beautiful! Now that last one is gross Jack!! B)

Thanks Erik! :lol:  But why?  I mean it's literally steak on the hoof right? :P

2 hours ago, BradB said:

Mouth watering shots Jack , now what's for dinner :

Cool video John!  I loved it and it made me hungry!  BBQ steak, yum!

2 hours ago, stewart1 said:

Wow what super set of screen shots and plenty of that horrible white stuff I do not think it will be long before I will be getting some of that it is going to go colder the weekend

it is ok on a Christmas card  .

We will be having shepherds pie sat and Sunday for dinner you can pop over if you want Jack for dinner ,

did you enjoy your steak haven't had that for a long time  regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, gosh do I miss a good British Shepard's pie.  With potatoes on top, fresh out of the oven and a pint of Newcastle, mate, that's living! :P

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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great shots, but what is all this white stuff down there? Just set you sim to YBAS and you have a proper colour! Or NTSU. Or AYPY. Or...

And that's exactly what I'm planning on doing Gerold.  As much as I like the season change I don't like all white.


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