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Happy at Hervey

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16 hours ago, fly37 said:

Nice shot!

Thanks Gianni!

15 hours ago, Tim K said:

Fantastic set of shots Jack!

I don't think the beach goers and the golfers would appreciate some of the landing spots though!! :)

Thanks Tim!  I know I would, I'd be thrilled to see a chopper land on the beach.

12 hours ago, adambar said:

Fantastic set there Jack! :)

Thanks Adam!

10 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Very nice scenery Jack, so many places we have not been yet...

Thank you Francois!  Way too many my friend.

10 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

So happy to see that the fix worked for you Jack.

Now you can enjoy flying in this glorious part of Oz.

Thanks Martyn, it looks right purdy now.  And it is glorious, very scenic indeed.

9 hours ago, paulb said:

Great shots Jack! That is very pretty scenery :)

Thanks Paul, I want to explore this entire island.

8 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set Jack.



Thank you Iain!

8 hours ago, antonvs said:

Enjoyed your heli trip around Hervey Bay Jack. Thanks

Anton via Tapatalk Pro

Thanks Anton, it was fun.

5 hours ago, bernd1151 said:

What a great trip, love it. Thanks, Jack

Thanks Bernd, I wanted to see all the little details and it was worth the trip.

2 hours ago, stewart1 said:

nice shots Jack no wonder happy a yellow helicopter  regards stewart

Thanks Stewart, yup, yellow and a nice are makes for contentment.

2 hours ago, jury42 said:

Very nice, as always.)))

Thank you Jury!

20 minutes ago, Julio Garcia said:

SuperB serie. Enjoy Jack.

Thanks Julio and thanks for finding me that fix, I appreciate it.

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