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What's in a name? Wollongong.

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I love Australian place names and this one is no exception.


Real world commitments tonight so I have to go out but I managed to have a real quick look around.  Newest Orbx.  This makes 13 now for May!  Dang, that's a lot.

This is a very beautiful area!


















My wife's favorite things, a lighthouse.



This is very detailed, love it!



Think I should?



Yeah!  Let's do it!





A yellow ship for my yellow plane.  And what's really cool is as I was sitting there the ship was heading into port!  Man, I love this stuff!






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1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

Another post and some more excellent pics.

You have also managed to find an alternative airport just incase it is too busy at Wollongong.:)




Thanks Martyn but I don't understand....what is the alternative to Wollongong?

2 hours ago, TigerTigerM said:


You are being remunerated by Orbx for promoting Australia??:)

Another interesting set.

I have my list going.:mellow:


Thanks TTM, no, I wouldn't accept it anyway, I just like Orbx and Orbx's Australia


First. I'm very fortunate that my wife encourages me to buy these airports, I've been blessed.


I won't mention the other company or their products as I don't want to break any rules or say something not nice but I used to have these other products installed.  I was constantly warned about Orbx.  Well, I tried a freeware in the PNW and liked it, then tried Trees, my first purchase.  Then my friend in the UK with whom I fly FSE with suggested Alaska so we both bought them all.  After that it was all of the UK and I was hooked.  I then saw the difference and realized I was sold a bill of goods that was less than desirable and couldn't hold a candle to Orbx.  Ever since then I've been hooked.


Besides, you guys are excellent, nice, friendly people, there's no snarkiness, no name calling, no flames, I like it here.  I think this site is my most visited site.


Now I tell everyone I know to buy Orbx.   And finally, what other company is going to give us free 64 bit P3D support?  No one.  And I have been asking a lot of other developers.  And I mean a lot.  Not that I'm interested in their scenery, I'm not.  And with time I know Orbx will cover the Earth.  Slowly they will evolve to a bigger company, I'm confident in it.  I wish I could buy some stock. ;)



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8 hours ago, adambar said:

Marvelous shots Jack! :)  I'm not quite sure how you managed to stop on the tanker. :unsure::D

Thanks Adam, I slewed to it.  :ph34r:  I ain't that good.  Now if I was in my lucky yellow chopper, that's a dog of a different color.

8 hours ago, paulb said:

Another great set Jack! Well done :)

Thanks Paul!

7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set these Jack.



Thanks Iain!

6 hours ago, jury42 said:

Amazing set!

Thank you Jury.

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16 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Martyn but I don't understand....what is the alternative to Wollongong?

Thanks TTM, no, I wouldn't accept it anyway, I just like Orbx and Orbx's Australia


First. I'm very fortunate that my wife encourages me to buy these airports, I've been blessed.


I won't mention the other company or their products as I don't want to break any rules or say something not nice but I used to have these other products installed.  I was constantly warned about Orbx.  Well, I tried a freeware in the PNW and liked it, then tried Trees, my first purchase.  Then my friend in the UK with whom I fly FSE with suggested Alaska so we both bought them all.  After that it was all of the UK and I was hooked.  I then saw the difference and realized I was sold a bill of goods that was less than desirable and couldn't hold a candle to Orbx.  Ever since then I've been hooked.


Besides, you guys are excellent, nice, friendly people, there's no snarkiness, no name calling, no flames, I like it here.  I think this site is my most visited site.


Now I tell everyone I know to buy Orbx.   And finally, what other company is going to give us free 64 bit P3D support?  No one.  And I have been asking a lot of other developers.  And I mean a lot.  Not that I'm interested in their scenery, I'm not.  And with time I know Orbx will cover the Earth.  Slowly they will evolve to a bigger company, I'm confident in it.  I wish I could buy some stock. ;)



ORBX really is the best in my opinion - perfect for us FSX guys

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On ‎7‎/‎5‎/‎2560 at 7:44 AM, Jack Sawyer said:

Thanks Martyn but I don't understand....what is the alternative to Wollongong?

Thanks TTM, no, I wouldn't accept it anyway, I just like Orbx and Orbx's Australia


First. I'm very fortunate that my wife encourages me to buy these airports, I've been blessed.


I won't mention the other company or their products as I don't want to break any rules or say something not nice but I used to have these other products installed.  I was constantly warned about Orbx.  Well, I tried a freeware in the PNW and liked it, then tried Trees, my first purchase.  Then my friend in the UK with whom I fly FSE with suggested Alaska so we both bought them all.  After that it was all of the UK and I was hooked.  I then saw the difference and realized I was sold a bill of goods that was less than desirable and couldn't hold a candle to Orbx.  Ever since then I've been hooked.


Besides, you guys are excellent, nice, friendly people, there's no snarkiness, no name calling, no flames, I like it here.  I think this site is my most visited site.


Now I tell everyone I know to buy Orbx.   And finally, what other company is going to give us free 64 bit P3D support?  No one.  And I have been asking a lot of other developers.  And I mean a lot.  Not that I'm interested in their scenery, I'm not.  And with time I know Orbx will cover the Earth.  Slowly they will evolve to a bigger company, I'm confident in it.  I wish I could buy some stock. ;)



Firstly Jack you are sat on the SS Dockwise which to me is your alternative airport!


Secondly, I could not agree more with your words about ORBX. I once used a photo real scenery for the England. It was so interesting looking at all the places I knew there and seeing it as it was when the images were taken. The downside was (ha ha, Downside was where my Grandparents owned a pub!) when you got below 1500ft everything turned to mush. Now with ORBX ENG the village where I grew up is fields and where the fields were to the west are actually built up. No problems, I think the England scenery along with all of the other ORBX stuff is second to none and it give me the feel of how an area is in RL.. The only ORBX products I don't own are the Canberra Cityscape, which I hope to buy in the sale and the Lancair, which sadly is a plane that does not appeal to me, goodness only knows why! I suppose I would rather own a 60s Ferrari or Mustang than a 2017 model.

I first saw about the Oz scenery before I brought FSX but as soon as I had FSX I invested in AU and the rest is history.

When I very occasionally look at other forums I am amazed to see some folks slagging ORBX off, some people are impossible to please.

This is such an exciting journey we are on but like some others here I will not be going to 64bit for the time being as I have too much other acceptable pay ware airports and aircraft to ditch and I cannot justify the expense of replacing everything.:)

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Thanks Martyn, I see now.


And I couldn't agree with you more.  People who put down Orbx don't "get it" in my opinion.  Just the service alone if worth it for me.  Know what else I like, they're constantly improving the products with updates like they just did with Scotland.  I wish I had more money to buy more this month, one more might be all I can do as I already bought 14 I think.


Now, I just have to stop all this real life nonsense and run P3D!


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19 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great details in your shots, jack - topped by your landing skills.

The alternative airport is a good invention, for the occational times when the 747s arrive in YWOL.

Thanks Gerold.  That parked 747, is that a static display or a museum or maybe even a restaurant?

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And to think that Orbx Australia is their first product and is now quite old and still stacks up well against their more recent products! It has to be over 6 years old????

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9 hours ago, Bassman said:

And to think that Orbx Australia is their first product and is now quite old and still stacks up well against their more recent products! It has to be over 6 years old????

It's still brilliant!

5 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

How did your real world commitments go with you just sitting on that ship?! You are kicking it with those shots!

I just sat there and marveled at the colonies of it all.  A plane sitting on a moving ship in a sim.  How cool is that.  I guess it's another way to see Orbx-land without buying gas!  Thanks Erik!

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