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Was Adam on board?

Jack Sawyer

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First, I love this new Pan Am Connie livery!


Ok, my passengers decided they wanted to see the Hoover Dam.  Uh oh!

Full plane of pax, minimum fuel, Orbx everything, Global, N/A LC, Vector, Trees, SoCal, AS16 on.


We saw the Hoover Dam and made a nice landing back at KLAS.

I really love how easy this plane is to fly...when the engineer controls most things.


Okay, ladies and gennellmens, we're back for another tour.  Please enjoy your flight and I'll do anything to make your tour a good one.



Banking over beautiful Lost Wages, Nevada.



Hey there it is! Can you make another run at it?  PLEASE???



Okey doke!  You asked for it!  I just aim to please!



What's all that screaming?  I thought you wanted this?



Okay, back to Lost Wages.



What a beautiful livery and a gorgeous plane!











Who needs one of those when you have a Connie???









Thanks Pam Ann.  Believe it or not, a guy who worked for Pan Am named his daughter Pamela Ann!




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You are becoming like a salesman for this plane Jack saying how easy it is to fly and the engineer does the work for you.

Some great views around Wages and of course the antics over the dam were totally unexpected, I hope your passengers were strapped in.

I did expect some speech bubbles with some amusing comments, maybe next time.

Did you know that Bill Lear of Lear Jet fame named one of his daughters Shanda?

I guess he saw the light:rolleyes:

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35 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Thrilling roller-coaster ride around the this town!

Thanks Erik.  This plane i just plain fun!

30 minutes ago, scottharmes6 said:

Awesome pics Jack!  I love the storyline too.  Very funny.


Geez, I hope they weren't serving drinks :o.



Thanks Scott.  Oh yeah, they had drinks, especially the captain! 

16 minutes ago, RJ said:

One crazy pilot you got there!!! :D

Thanks RJ!  :lol:

2 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

You are becoming like a salesman for this plane Jack saying how easy it is to fly and the engineer does the work for you.

Some great views around Wages and of course the antics over the dam were totally unexpected, I hope your passengers were strapped in.

I did expect some speech bubbles with some amusing comments, maybe next time.

Did you know that Bill Lear of Lear Jet fame named one of his daughters Shanda?

I guess he saw the light:rolleyes:

Thanks Martyn, it really is a lot easier to fly than their B-17 which I like a lot too.  But when flying this thing I'm quite surprised at how well it handles.  If they did their homework and the flight physics are correct it's not bad, a little slow in turns but it has a lot of power.  And power to spare.

I'm just being silly right now testing it and setting up more cameras.  There will be more realistic flights soon.  And you want speech bubbles?  Soon my friend, soon.  :lol:  What's life without humor?


And I must be thick but I don't get the reference to Shanda.  What is Shanda?  Was that a model of the Lear jet?

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52 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:



Thanks Martyn, it really is a lot easier to fly than their B-17 which I like a lot too.


And I must be thick but I don't get the reference to Shanda.  What is Shanda?  Was that a model of the Lear jet?

That is great news about the B17 Jack as I have that one too and I don't find it too hard to handle.

Rats! I am starting to weaken:angry:

Bill Lear had four wives and seven children. His 5th child in 1944 was named Crystal Shanda but was known as Shanda, Shanda Lear thus Chanderlier as in the light arrangement.

I don't know if she appreciated Bill's great sense of humour!



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19 minutes ago, adambar said:

Yes the other Adam. :rolleyes: Couldn't see to much of Hoover Dam Jack, i had my head in the barf bag. :wacko:  I suppose it looked great, maybe a bus tour would be better or check to see who the pilot is. :angry:


Great shots anyway. :)

:) You're cracking me up Adam.  The pilot is a little nuts at times, remember, he just came from flying GeeBees at air shows so he still has a lot of spirit in him.  And, the passengers paid for this!  :lol:

13 minutes ago, Republic DC-9 said:

That poor Connie!


Sure looks like you're having fun with her!


Are there flames from the exhaust when this lovely ship starts her engines?



Thanks Steve!  I sure am.  Flames?  Goooooood question?  I haven't started it or flown it at night yet so now you have my curiosity piqued!  Gives me a good idea too.  LOL!

1 minute ago, Wakashi said:

Excellent shots Jack, you just need to control your enthusiasm when you get in the cockpit of the Connie and especially when you get around Hoover dam! :D

Thanks Roger!  Adam started this with his awesome Waco above-the-dam shot.  He inspired me to do it twice now.

I'll have some more serious flights very soon.  

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3 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

That is great news about the B17 Jack as I have that one too and I don't find it too hard to handle.

Rats! I am starting to weaken:angry:

Bill Lear had four wives and seven children. His 5th child in 1944 was named Crystal Shanda but was known as Shanda, Shanda Lear thus Chanderlier as in the light arrangement.

I don't know if she appreciated Bill's great sense of humour!



Ahhhh, I see!  That's a cool play on words but like you said, I wonder how Shanda felt?  :)

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Just now, adambar said:

Geez oh man Steve, don't mention flames to Jack, that can't be a good thing. :unsure:

Hey!  You guys are giving me some great ideas!  First we roasted hot dogs and marshmallows in a copter in Norway, and now we may see something extraordinary at night if we get flames from a Connie engine.  :D

I can't help it. I live to be creative and make people laugh.  But I do have some serious flights.  Nothing like all my New Zealand flights I did the in the Staggerwing, now that was fun.


All kidding aside, you guys have taught me some serious geography lessons in all kids of countries, places I never would have dreamed of going.  And we all have the wizards at Orbx to thank for it.  I just don't see them having any serious competition.  And what with JV said about supporting the various platforms I think they have their work cut out for them but I also think they will succeed brilliantly.


So, thanks Orbx guys!

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7 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Fantastic shots again Jack!

Thanks Dolf!

6 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set of shots.



Thank you Iain!

5 hours ago, Voyager said:

I loved this flight and your screenshots.

The vision of this Pan Am Connie flying around KLAS sent me a few years ago.

Very nice indeed, Jack.


iPad - Tapatalk

You got to see or fly on one Voyager?  If so it must have been a treat.  I'd love to work on a team to restore one.

4 hours ago, bvdboomen said:

Funny comments!

Too bad that Pan Am isn't there anymore.

Thanks!  I agree, I always thought Pan Am would be around forever.  I mean look at the movie 2001 A Space Odyssey, Pan Am was the shuttle they used.

3 hours ago, Mark Abdey said:

Super set, and another interesting ride for your passengers :o I hope you have a good supply of sick bags? :D

Thanks Mark, yeah, I have a company that makes 'em.  Besides, my passengers got tired of roller coasters now they want a new thrill.

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6 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Really a world class livery for this beautiful plane. However, learning about these acrobatic-loving PanAm pilots I can understand why the airline has (unfortunately) disappeared.

Thanks Gerold!  Most people don't know this :P but Pan Am pilots were all fighter jocks in the military.  Well, maybe some of 'em, well, maybe just me.  :blink:  

5 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Lovely set of shots Jack. Great place, great 'plane, and great flying.


You do realise that was the Gee-Bee flight manual you were using though? (must've picked up the wrong flight bag on the way to the airport)

:lol: Andy, I was just saying the same thing to my wife a little while ago!  This plane flys like a dream, but the GeeBee?  Holy moley is that thing a bouncing handful!

4 hours ago, PDX Flyer said:

Yikes Jack.  I sure hope your passengers had their seat belts on.  You are one wild and crazy pilot.

thanks PDX, no, my passengers volunteered for this, they would have flown on the Vomit Comet but it was booked.

1 hour ago, BradB said:

Stomach turning and death defying shots Jack . :o:(:D





Thanks John!  I love your phraseology!  :)

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Jack, I hope you know, what you did to your passengers?

It remembered me on my flight from GCFV to EDDL in September 2005. We were already to late and it was not clear that we still could land in Düsseldorf. But the captain had a quite charming approach to this matter and flew like a madmen... But it was fuuuuuuunnn.

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4 hours ago, Guinea-Pig on Glideslope said:

Jack, I hope you know, what you did to your passengers?

It remembered me on my flight from GCFV to EDDL in September 2005. We were already to late and it was not clear that we still could land in Düsseldorf. But the captain had a quite charming approach to this matter and flew like a madmen... But it was fuuuuuuunnn.

They know what I did!  :lol:  Heck, they volunteered for it.  :)  We all just wanted a little fun.


Now when I'm on a real plane, unless I'm actually flying I don't want anything cray to happen.  A friend I know has a biplane and we used to go up and do stunts, man was that fun. No more, I'm grounded sadly.  :(

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