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GEN first impressions

Jack Sawyer

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Well, I finally bought it.  It took something like 16 hours to download!


So I decided to make a test flight and always with an eye on VAS.


Took Gerold's advice and flew from Berlin.  (Martyn's advice next.)



Global, Vector (but I forgot to run it FIRST before running P3D), GEN, Trees, Europe OLC, AS16 on, ASCA, MV MD-530, Adam's new PTA settings with HDR, summer, around 10:00 am local time.


Flight was EDDB in Berlin to EDOD - Reinsdorf but first with a short flight to that famous tower in Berlin.


After the flight with sliders full right I had 886 MB of VAS left.  Not too bad.










































What are these?











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Hi Jack,


nice series of screenshots!


The odd looking areas are military training grounds, often "hidden" inside forested areas. The spiderweb-like lines are tracks made by tanks and other vehicles. Since soils in northern Germany tend to be sandy and thus light they stick out like that against the darker shrubs and heath. Quite a few of these areas are no longer used by the armed forces but it will take decades for the old tracks to grow over.


See https://goo.gl/maps/HbLBKg8fvP22


Cheers, Holger


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2 hours ago, Torchy821 said:


Ya gotta stop buying!!  You need to eat too!!;)



:lol: No kidding, but if the wife says it's ok then all is right with the world.  Soon I may have them all, then what?  I think it'll be a while though, gotta save some $ for some (hopeful) sales.


2 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Excellent set and flight Jack.

So much to see in Berlin and good to see you made it out of town.

Nice close ups of some of the buildings too, a lot of work gone into this.

See you in the Ruhr!

Thanks Martyn, it was a lot of fun, but as I don't know Germany at all, what is the Ruhr, I guess I could look it up on Yahoo.


2 hours ago, RJ said:

Spectacular images! :)

Thanks RJ!


1 hour ago, BradB said:

Your off to a great start Jack with GEN , keep them coming my friend !! .





Thanks John, I will, hopefully today.

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16 minutes ago, TigerTigerM said:

Great set Jack.

When you say you had "886 mb of VAS left", where do you look to see that figure?

I haven't got VAS sorted out yet



Hi TTM, I set FSUIPC up so it will create a log file for every flight.  It will overwrite the same file on every flight.  So I do a lot of VAS testing.  When you look at a log it will show you the date, time, and all the stuff it controls.  It will also show a list of how much Virtual Address Space memory you used and how much you had left over after a flight.


So when I say I had 886 MB left that means I had 886 MB of available memory.  FSUIPC will start giving the little chimes every few seconds when it gets to 250MB left available.  After that it will OOM on you.  I have four settings saved in P3D, Highest with PTA & HDR, Higher, High, and Lowest.  This is the graphics sliders.  I always keep them full right so I get to see all of Orbx's autogen and such.  Then I make test flights and save the logs.  Say in SCA, it's very VAS intensive.  And using a complex plane makes it worse like an A2A plane.  And I use UT2 for traffic but have dialed it way back because in the LA area all those airports spawn zillions of planes.  When I first installed SCA I had the A2A 182 on LAX in real weather, I then tried to make a flight to KSAN but it OOM'd when I got to the cranes at the ocean.  So I shut them all off.  But if I want I can just go to settings and load Lowest for example.  It's all a juggling act.


I have a shortcut to the FSUIPC modules folder on my desktop so after each flight I look at it.  If I see low VAS left I rename it to where I flew and save it to a folder, for example, SCA VAS testing.


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