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Everything posted by gumbypickett

  1. So many well known people have passed away this year. RIP Olivia.
  2. I hope it was a great day Dolf cheers Gumby
  3. Very nice Jack. It looks like the grassed runway would prove more difficult to take off from than the rough. But you did it, great job. cheers Gumby
  4. I'll drink to those shots Adam as I take my last sip of Victoria Bitter for the night. cheers Gumby
  5. Splendid set Bernd. But I must ask. What sort of cargo are you carrying just between you and me? cheers Gumby
  6. That's a sad story. Such talent and success mixed in with a lot of heart ache. RIP Judith.
  7. Professional flight and info there Gerold. cheers Gumby
  8. i think it's the different opinions and the light humour. And its like a bonding with people from all around the world that you wouldn't recognize if you tripped over them. Except for me I have 2 heads. And thank you Rodger, I'm looking forward to next weeks responses. Good or Bad. cheers Gumby
  9. All the very best Taph have a top day. cheers Gumby
  10. A nice shot Jack. Looks like great timing. cheers Gumby
  11. Superb KDK. How are you finding 2020 I'm a little way from getting it. cheers Gumby
  12. I have sympathy for you Paul. I'm 54 and my Brain isn't the same because of health issues regarding Hypos due to Diabetes Type 1 for 35 yrs. No longer have it. But I find coming up with a new challenge very difficult. I can only say give it your best, you may surprise yourself, unfortunately age doesn't discriminate. We are all in the same boat together. You'll be ok. cheers Gumby
  13. Now that's a tough call to choose one. I like them all, great colours. cheers Gumby
  14. Splendid set KDK. I recall the murder from the health professional. Weird. They had a couple of years ago a Drive-In movie that was shown over the face of the Mountain in which was projected in large screen, which was very successful. There was talk about having a Cable Car going up the Mountain. But Tassie being Tassie, I think was rejected. cheers Gumby
  15. G'day Rodger. I received your message re TWMT that you do, but I'm unable to find the message again because my emails are all up the creek along with a number of other pc items. I recall I think 18th of Aug I'm to do the TWMT. GULP. Slot me in as Guinea Pig and I'll make a note of the date and see how I go. cheers Gumby
  16. Have a great Day Adam. I might have a spot of Herbal Tea just for you. cheers Gumby
  17. Very nice set Paul. It's a shame how what was considered modern, can be replaced so soon. cheers Gumby
  18. Enjoy your occasion ,CHEERS. cheers Gumby
  19. Ok A Sarge B Ferret C Pointer D Ralph E Sam F Fungus G Terry H Cloth Ears I Weasel It's like being back in Kindy, of which I spent 4 yrs in. cheers Gumby
  20. That rules me out then. cheers Gumby
  21. Very nice KDK. What happens when you approach Friday Harbour on a Thursday? cheers Gumby
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