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Everything posted by VH-KDK

  1. Brilliant set Bernd and those Penguins are a terrific addition. I like the plane too with all the extra details inside.
  2. Thanks for the clue Paul, geez that took some getting! I had to stick the key in my ear and wind up my brain for that one. At first I could only think of Arthritic Ankle but I don't think Orbx have done that one yet!
  3. A wonderful pair of images.' The 310 is a great aircraft to fly that I am enjoying immensely although I use the dummies version! I like your second view with the rain and mountains. Hope you are well too.
  4. A highly enjoyable tour Gerold, you make a great guide. I have never heard of Polizei Airport though but they do have nice green vans there.
  5. Orbx Content: Melbourne Scenery Pack - Partner product: So Fly WPP. A little flight up the Yarra RIver in Melbourne to see what I can find. 1. The West Gate Bridge. Too easy with it's large middle spans but the smaller ones are a bit more of a challenge as I found out. Power lines both sides but there were no twanging sounds as I avoided them and the pylon. On a more serious note, if you look in front of the prop spinner you can see the memorial to the 35 workers who lost their lives in 1970,when a section of the bridge collapsed during it's construction. It remains Australia's worst work place accident. West Gate Bridge - Wikipedia 2. A view of the bridge and the lower reaches of the Yarra River. 3. Approaching the Bolte Bridge with the magnificent Melbourne skyline in the background. 4. Too much clutter under the smaller spans so I take the easy option. Bolte Bridge - Wikipedia 5. Approaching Queen Street Bridge and behind it the Sandridge Bridge which are both a little too low to get under. 6. The Southbank Footbridge ended with wet feet so time to try again. 7. The Princes Bridge was quite easy at the second attempt after not getting the screen shot on the first pass. Princes Bridge - Wikipedia 8. The Southbank Footbridge, finally on my fourth attempt. 9. I can't remember how I ended up floating in the Yarra River but I was able to drive under the Sandridge Bridge so I will score half a point for that. Sandridge Bridge - Wikipedia Fascinating to see all the places I know in such beautiful detail. The Melbourne Scenery pack is well worth every cent for the bridges alone!
  6. That should not be too hard to find out. I might give it a try myself later and it would be interesting to try this day by day or even if there is a dramatic change in the weather as we often get here.
  7. My bank manager is happy but I have to call the doctor as my bank balance is looking very sick!
  8. A splendid set Mike with plenty of variation on the ground and in the air.
  9. I agree with the last two gents and I "cheated" by looking at the planes! They are excellent views all the same and an interesting comparison. The images these days are so good that sometimes it is a challenge to guess if they are RL or from the sim. Or is it that I don't get out enough.
  10. I am sure this new one has something to do with a pensioner who keeps an eye on parking meters!
  11. Great views and I hope you made it down in one piece eventually.
  12. Splendid clear views Jack. I think a lot of us would like to turn back the clock, not only for ourselves but for what has happened recently.
  13. Wonderful images Adam and one of the features of Leeds that I like are the runway contours. The level of detail and the lighting are indeed outstanding. Do you remember when all the runways in the sim were flat? Excuse me for being picky but isn't that an A320 you are flying and not the PMDG 737? Asking for a friend!
  14. That is great, Mike. You won't regret it.
  15. Excellent winter images Adam. The last one with the solid layer of clouds and the slight water reflection is a top view.
  16. Wonderful images Paul and I sneaked in just before the sales ended and bought Melbourne and Aukland!
  17. A great image Andreas. A beautiful airstrip indeed and one I have not visited for a long time. I will keep it open but give the clue that the name is similar to a famous English sportsman.
  18. I tried it at Broome once but only the surrounding desert had snow with the airport area clear.
  19. No good where I live John as it would either get stolen by a theif, destroyed by Cockatoos or thrown through my window by a druggie(obviously one who is stoned). I think from memory one of the Orbx airports has a similar one with the stone hanging on a rope.
  20. There has been a lazy wind the last couple of days Don but not unbearably cold and no frost at night. Hard to tell the next few days as they change the forecast hourly. Time for them to get some new pine cones and seaweed!
  21. But Paul...... the sale is still going. I should know as I have just bought Melbourne and Aukland City Scenes! I have also bought stuff I would not have normally got. With everything going up in price we have to take advantage of sales. I am more than happy with the few sales purchases I have visited. Now I am going away from the laptop before I spend any more!
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