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News just heard

John York

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Sorry to have to report that Earth Simulations, a flight sim' company many of you will have heard of and possibly dealt with has gone bust.


Its a shame because they developed many products mainly to enhance UK photo scenery which many of us still enjoy.



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This is really quite unfortunate news. I was mulling over their Channel Island packages for a while but never invested. However, it must be said that they were *rather* expensive in comparison to a certain other company *ahem* who's packages are exceptional both in quality and price.

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A great shame, though I too am guilty of not supporting their products, so have no right to moan about their loss. It was Darren and co at Horizon Simulations that truly got me into flight simulation so I thank them for that. What he and Vikki did at ES was brilliantly done, so its a shame they were unable to find a big enough market to sustain their work.

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Some little while ago I did hear that ES and Orbx were in discussions with one another but nothing seemed to come of it.  Subsequently there were discussions with a couple of other interested parties but nothing came of that either.


It was certainly a shame that Darren was unable to obtain permission to develop Jersey which was really the 'jewel in the crown' as far as the Channel Isles (and he) was concerned and that led to him having to develop other areas like the Isle of Man (great) but then Scotland (I'm guessing) was his undoing because Scotflight was already the established developer there of some excellent addon scenery.


The whole thing is a big shame for the UK photo scenery gang as presently we've got bits of all sorts of stuff which is good but the coverage of the developed addons which make it so desirable is quite fragmented.


Good for Orbx though because at least there, we have the one scenery, of excellent quality and quite a lot of realism among the famous buildings and landmarks..



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For those of you who, like me, did not download ES purchases and just load scenery from internet I can tell you that ES website is still available to download your purchased scenery from the web servers.

Darren has said that it would only be for a limited time though.


Kind regards



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For those of you who, like me, did not download ES purchases and just load scenery from internet I can tell you that ES website is still available to download your purchased scenery from the web servers.

Darren has said that it would only be for a limited time though.


Kind regards





Hi Ian


Can I say first and foremost how sad I am to hear of this news ... I did think the plans for uber hi res  photo scenery was a bold and bad idea.


I remember one discussion here asking for ORBX IOM and JV more or less said No ... I took that to be he wanted to not bulldoze the small guys, he left room for them to manoeuvre too ... I switched from Photo scenery to totally ORBX a while back now and no regrets ... and I realy realy gave Photo scenery my best shot.


We have what we have ... I do feel for Darren and Vikki though, sad times, hope Scotflight does not go under too.


Ian ... you make an alarming statement and so does Darren? though?


Have I got to go download my IoM (16GB+) with urgency again, because as you say the links might not last much longer?


I got a BIG for sale email shot from Earthsim just yesterday come to think of it.


I did find their software for legit owners hard work, and had to jump through hoops to prove I was legitimate owner, but it was kind of worth it and I knew I was supporting the little guy too.

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Because we live quite close to each other Darren, Vikki and I have traditionally met socially a few times a year, and in fact we have been in discussion about collaboration for quite some time; long before these sad events transpired. To respect confidentiality I can only say that we are meeting next week in Portsmouth and we'll work towards the best outcome for everyone. Please don't speculate on what that means but rest assured we won't let great talent like Darren and Vikki retire just yet, as much as they'd like to! :)

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I don't think Scotflight will go the same way because both Iain's do it as a sideline to their main careers although I think one of them has retired now, err, not from Scotflight I don't mean. 



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JV you are the best mate. So much talent slipping away. I wish you all the best with your meeting with Darren and Vikki and hope you can come to some sort of solution for them to continue there venture in the simming world creations. Very thoughtful of you JV. Anyway all the best to Darren and Vikki for the future. All the best to you JV and the Orbx team, may the team grow and thrive in this new year and many years to come.


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Because we live quite close to each other Darren, Vikki and I have traditionally met socially a few times a year, and in fact we have been in discussion about collaboration for quite some time; long before these sad events transpired. To respect confidentiality I can only say that we are meeting next week in Portsmouth and we'll work towards the best outcome for everyone. Please don't speculate on what that means but rest assured we won't let great talent like Darren and Vikki retire just yet, as much as they'd like to! :)

It's been a while since I've seen them! Have an extra beer for us, dude! :D

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Hi Ian


Can I say first and foremost how sad I am to hear of this news ... I did think the plans for uber hi res  photo scenery was a bold and bad idea.


I remember one discussion here asking for ORBX IOM and JV more or less said No ... I took that to be he wanted to not bulldoze the small guys, he left room for them to manoeuvre too ... I switched from Photo scenery to totally ORBX a while back now and no regrets ... and I realy realy gave Photo scenery my best shot.


We have what we have ... I do feel for Darren and Vikki though, sad times, hope Scotflight does not go under too.


Ian ... you make an alarming statement and so does Darren? though?


Have I got to go download my IoM (16GB+) with urgency again, because as you say the links might not last much longer?


I got a BIG for sale email shot from Earthsim just yesterday come to think of it.


I did find their software for legit owners hard work, and had to jump through hoops to prove I was legitimate owner, but it was kind of worth it and I knew I was supporting the little guy too.

My quote was taken from another web site as I have nothing to do with ES nor know Darren or vikki personally. I was as usual trying to help my fellow simmers but following your comments perhaps I should have kept quiet.


Kind regards



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No worries Ian


you're a good guy


Looks like we are going to have a good ending with this one so no urgency to re-download it seems.



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It was certainly a shame that Darren was unable to obtain permission to develop Jersey which was really the 'jewel in the crown' as far as the Channel Isles (and he) was concerned..

Not quite true. There is detailed photo-imagery, terrain mapping and geo-information available from the Government of Jersey, at a cost (quoted to me) of £250 up front and 30% of the gross retail price of any resulting FS product. It's prob more likely that those non-negotiable terms just didn't look economic given the time needed to produce market and ultimately sell the scenery.

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.............................To respect confidentiality I can only say that we are meeting next week in Portsmouth and we'll work towards the best outcome for everyone. Please don't speculate on what that means but rest assured we won't let great talent like Darren and Vikki retire just yet, as much as they'd like to! :)


That is good news JV, theirs is a talent not to be lost.

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We can get Jersey imagery no problem at all, and without ongoing royalties. Our supplier is global and we have a good deal :)

That sounds very promising John, hope it comes with a good quality DEM as well?! I couldn't find anything halfway decent commercially available and I even resorted to (for a laugh!) seeing how much it would cost to task a satellite to obtain it ;) Astronomical before anyone asks :P

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No worries Ian


you're a good guy


Looks like we are going to have a good ending with this one so no urgency to re-download it seems.



I like to be in control of any situation and relying on all the variables to fall into place as everyone hopes is not one that fills me with confidence so I have now downloaded all the software that I purchased onto my backup drive  meaning no matter what the outcome, I still have the full use of the software I purchased without relying on any other factors.

Still hope everything turns out fine though and best of luck to Darren & Vikki.


Kind regards



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Because we live quite close to each other Darren, Vikki and I have traditionally met socially a few times a year, and in fact we have been in discussion about collaboration for quite some time; long before these sad events transpired. To respect confidentiality I can only say that we are meeting next week in Portsmouth and we'll work towards the best outcome for everyone. Please don't speculate on what that means but rest assured we won't let great talent like Darren and Vikki retire just yet, as much as they'd like to! :)

I've been desperately awaiting a decent IOW. It would be great if they could do the Isle of Wight under the ORBX banner.

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For information, many of the custom models used by Earth Simulations in the Isle of Man and elsewhere were not made by Darren and Vikki, they were in fact made by Ted Andrews and myself and we still have ownership and copyright of them. They were supplied by Ted and myself for use in Earth Simulation products and by agreement are not transferrable to any other company.


I have yet to discuss the future of our work with Ted but can advise that without agreement it won't be appearing in anyone elses product.


Tony Meredith

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