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10 years to the day....

Jay Kae

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since John and I met over at BEV. A year and a bit later VOZ 0.99 was released which started it all, so here some videos for you all to commemorate this event...


https://vimeo.com/74598300 https://vimeo.com/74601748


https://vimeo.com/74598899 https://vimeo.com/74600150


https://vimeo.com/74597837 https://vimeo.com/74605152


https://vimeo.com/74605153 https://vimeo.com/74605155 






One more video to follow next week as I have run out of upload bandwidth on Vimeo  :) :)

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Thanks Jay and the whole team for all your hard work and dedication. We are the lucky recipients of your labors. You have transformed a near dead program into something new and exciting, almost a complete transformation. I've been flightsimming since 1995 and have never seen anything or anyone come close to what you all have achieved. And you have accomplished it with professionalism, quality and a sincere appreciation of your customers needs and wishes. First class all the way.




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I remember the day that I walked in as an unsuspecting tourist looking for some Aussie scenery for our groups world tour flight, before I knew it I was dragged in by you for the worldwide coverage of the VOZ forums, that was some 8,5 years ago, it's been a roller coaster ride ever since, there aren't words enough to describe your tireless efforts to keep us afloat and up and running :)

as the Romans already said "Tempus Fugit" how time flies ;)

Thank you Jay, it's an honor and a privilege knowing and working with you !



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I recall the day Voz 0.99 was tested in a french simulation paper. FS2004 was changing how it looks like. I have installed the scenery and the Voz tool, then i have Vozed my FS2004 and start flying Australia from the Queensland. What a beauty ! With Real Environment, the scenery looks like so real... Thank you all for your effort.

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10 years already? My goodness how time flies!

Well my friend it's been a fantastic journey and you have tirelessly worked behind the scenes to allow us to grow from a humble freeware team to a company that serves terabytes of data on big launch days. A huge thank you!!!

Here's to the next decade!

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This is amazing!

Although ... time definitely goes by fast ...


JayKae and all the many others who have been involved and still are involved into keeping all of it here alive and improving it further into the future - a big, big THANK YOU indeed!

Looking forward to the next 100 years now!

Cheers, Christoph

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What amazing words everyone, isn't it funny to think that there are now 10-14 year olds who are looking at the product pages and would not have a clue where FTX has come from because they are too young to realise


FTX = BluRay

VOZ = Record 



I remember people complaining about how 'huge' VOZ download was on release, it was quite large at 500MB lol ;)

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I wish I had been around when you guys got together, your journey has been quite an exciting one to say the least! In my relatively short time with Orbx I have always been amazed at the dedication you have shown Jay, not just to your job on the forums but also to the simming community as a whole. Well done, (raises glass of beer) cheers Jay, and thanks...

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congratulations indeed. It has been a most successful enterprise.  An an enterprise it is, with some outstanding business management and some brilliant risk-taking.  You are close to dominating the whole of world scenery market,,,, and that I am sure may have been your objective but then a long way away, but now just around the corner.

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Thank you all so much for your heartwarming words.


@Ian, no not at all actually, other than my Orbx contract to streamline the backend in the last month, I have always been a volunteer for Orbx, when John and I originally were talking, I knew servers, he knew scenery, he wanted to release something that was never seen before in size or scale and I said I could help out, had some awesome fun doing it too. No plans, just love for the hobby and even though money is made nowadays, the passion, the drive and the commitment shown by him, all the team members and myself comes purely and solely from the love of the hobby and for some of course it is nice to get some remuneration but if that love was not there Orbx/FTX would not be where it is today I feel

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Congratulations to you both, I've only known about Orbx for a couple of years and have had an awesome time in the short time I've been part of it. You guys should be super proud of what you've achieved :)



I believe that most forum members when they read this thread will be thinking of the outstanding Orbx products and development team that a very dedicated and talented original group have attracted and joined together.  I also see and appreciate the wonderful atmosphere that the spirit of this growing team infused and work hard to sustain within the realm of this forum. It all adds tremendously to our flight simulation experience.


A huge Thank You to all.



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I can remember downloading VOZ 0.99 when it was released and being amazed how much better it made FS9 look.  Each new release improved things and that is still happening at FTX/ORBX.  Thanks for the great 10 year ride guys.

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What amazing words everyone, isn't it funny to think that there are now 10-14 year olds who are looking at the product pages and would not have a clue where FTX has come from because they are too young to realise


FTX = BluRay

VOZ = Record 



I remember people complaining about how 'huge' VOZ download was on release, it was quite large at 500MB lol ;)

Fwiw, i still play my record and continue to be impressed. Congratulations, you have come à long way and the future is looking awesome.

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I remember when I joined VOZ as member 125 and did the DL - that is when FS really became a serious hobby for me as it all became so "real" and so far in advance of all previous versions of FS.

Then came FSX and OZx, which is where I spend most of my time now, but the Orbx/FTX is so amazing and the continual developments Global and Vector - WOW!

Sincere congrats to JV and Batman - and also the huge team of people that thrive around them.


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Cheers Jay, and bravo JV - I've been along from the outset, and have enjoyed every moment of the journey. We simmers do indeed owe you guys a huge vote of thanks for continually raising the bar and the level of satisfaction that we get from the hobby.


Ten years ...... OMG ..... just as well our involvement with the hobby keeps us young !! LOL!      Thanks guys ... and may we all live forever - well, whilst ever the hobby is in such good hands anyhow.



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Well done Jay and Happy Birthday. Thanks to you and the team at OZx and John V and the team at ORBX - if I may speak for us all, you have changed our lives. Like kwatee said it is doubtful if FSX would still be alive today were it not for your inspiration and forsight. You have also given inspiration to other development houses and although you are competitors, you seem to work very well together and again we are the ones better off. I have now gone into retirement and FSX is now a major pass time and I for one look forward to flying the rest of the world with your help. And thanks for the videos, they are a testament to where we have come from and where we are heading. Congrats. Cheers....

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