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I saw someone asking about kors and if it is compatible in fsx without pnw so I typed this into google "orbx kors"

guess what website was at the TOP of the list.....noooo not orbx not the flight sim store but the bloody TPB actually at the top. !!!!! this disgust me.... it is blatant thievery someone should firebomb that whole outfit  . I never realized  software piracy was so rampant, and after all the money I have spent acquiring your wonderful products legally and realizing that this activity takes money out of the pockets of you fine folks with FAMILIES to support and probably impacts the rate that  development takes place it makes me want to rage.! I hope soon someone figures out a way to eliminate this reprehensible organization and all their minions  Or I wish that there was a way that pirated software could be recognized over the internet and a malicious code could be sent to the pirates machine and it would explode into a toxic fireball spraying the pirate with molten plastic and shards of glass...... bloody wankers !!!!  thanx for letting me vent ;)

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have to agree with your post mate,im 100% in support of Orbx,and these people need to get a life,aslong as they dont come on here wanting support and i guess thats where the order number thing comes in to it,so anyone who does not have a order number or dont want to provide one,leave and close the door behind you  :)

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I totally agree with these sentiments too. Unfortunately I suspect that it is a fact of life for developers _ I hope that there are enough honest people here to provide sufficient support to enable the team to thrive. I have tended to pre-order when I can because I hope that the early funding helps. Keep  it up guys (and gals?).

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I share your feelings on this issue.

Whether it be software, movies, or music there is no excuse for it.

The real downside is that I believe it will take a societal shift in order for people to actually "feel" that they are commiting a crime. Stealing a product from an actual store requires a person to actually be there to do it. Stealing a product with the click of a mouse from behind a computer screen in your parents basement is much easier. I'm afraid that eventually there will be a reckoning and we will all suffer from those who commit these crimes.

For anyone who may read this; If you know someone who pirates ANYTHING, ask them to stop and explain why you feel the way you do. It takes courage to be the one to stand up and point out when someone is doing something wrong, but it is the only way that we are going to fix this problem without it severly impacting the rest of us.

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I agree fully with lthendrix.

Phil, I also agree fully.

Many people wonder why we have the kinds of problems that are in rampant existence, in our societies these days .

Phil hit the nail on the head! It obviously goes a lot further than theft of any kind.

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I'm afraid this is a price we all have to pay through the development of digital technology. It sucks big time  :'( I'm a photographer and everything I produce is done so using digital technology, so I know exactly what the implications are for anyone who has their work provided in digital media. CD's, electronic books, PDF files, digital photographs, DVD movies and of course PC games and simulations.  The cost to companies and the consumer through piracy is so astronomical it's almost unbelievable (no I can't remember, sorry) but I believe it runs into hundreds of millions! If one person can crack a way of somehow protecting digital material, then they will become a multi-millionaire over night! Here's to JV and the gang and anyone else who loses hard earned revenue at the cost of these scumbags... Actually, I don't understand why it's so difficult for these sites not to be pulled off the net. If a company is involved in criminal activity, why the hell are they allowed to continue? Or am I just being naive?

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I agree with your rant too, but you only blame the pirates and TPB. What about Google? You can pretty much google anything now days, and it's pretty much guaranteed that it will list an illegal activity like a pirate site. Why is no one going after google? Why can't google prevent these sites from being listed? In my opinion Google is just as much to blame for the perpetuation of pirated software.

Okay for those that already know of these sites, a block from google won't help much. But think longer term, if we can stop google from listing these sites NOW, future generations won't find the pirated stuff so easily. If you can't find it on a search engine, you'll only find this stuff by word of mouth, or luck. And lets face it, who's gonna say, "Ere did you know you can get this for free if you go here?" When they might just find themselves talking to a cop or software developer? Are people really that stupid?

No it has to stopped, and the start of that process has to be getting the search engines to answer to a law suit or block the sites from being listed. A group of software companies needs to join forces and take google to court for some sort of injunction to prevent the listings of illegal activities.

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Just put in:-


.. and six out of nine were pirate sites.

These two-bit, tiny-minded, little A$$h0^^$ should be stuck with a good old black screen and a "formatting drive C:" message in the top left corner, in the event that the software is not key-protected and linked to the purchase and the downloading server.

It should be just like using Kerberos security. Signed session tickets. Start FSX with an OrbX product - she phones home. I personally have zero issues with that. You'll lose a few customers at first, but far better than the blatant, demoralizing, petty, thievery that these b@@@@@@$ are doing.

If FS Dreamteam can cripple a demo airport - I'm sure that at least one of OrbX's wizards can come up with a similar means to achieve security.

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OK, I have typed "orbx Kors" into Google and since Google has customized the search engine to local areas, the first links here in Austria lead to flightsim related sites and to youtube.  TPB is "only" listed # 10, but # 9 is another torrent site. 

What makes me wonder is that the first link to an official ORBX page, actually a forum thread about KORS is only listed number 7, The first link to a fullterrain.com page is only listed on page 3 of the search results!  Please John and team, don’t get me wrong, I know this is absolutely not my business, but I think there is room to improve for ORBX . You can’t leave the “Google-field†to torrent-sites!

Cheers, Wolfgang

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Jay Kae maybe you could post your letters for us to copy paste and an email address if we have 10,000 + members in this forum maybe we could get the message across I send emails every day and would not mind sending one more for all you fine folks  8)

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Same topic but a bit of a different twist.

I recently spent two weeks in Grenada, wonderful holiday by the way.  Don't spend much time in stores and touristy places but on one day wifey and I went downtown St George's to buy some gifts for family members and right there at the cruise ship dock, all along the main street, were vendors selling pirated softeware, games, movies, music cds by the bloody thousands.  It was incredible.  Any nobody cares locally, they are generally poor so they turn a blind eye and right next to the sellers were security police looking after the tourists safety.

The copies were all labeled, in jewel cases with appropriate labels and covers. 

What can you do!

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...perhaps the "cloud" is the way forward. Maybe not this year or even next. And I for one don't rellish the prospect, but it would solve many of these problems.

In a nutshell all software would be accessed and "rented" online. Possibly by the hour/day/week etc. Thus putting an end to the need for downloading and/or buying discs. Installing software of any kind would therefore become a thing of the past.

My own view is that it is a case of when, rather than if. And lets face it Hardware Technology, Broadband speeds/bandwidth and coverage area is roaring along at quite a terrifying pace now....Moores Law seems to still hold up.

Doesn't seem that long ago that my Amstrad 8512, yes the one with a green screen and Locoscript, was deemed the dogs bollocks...oooppss sorry, naughty words.


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I think there are ways that can be used to restrict pirating, but they're probably deemed as being too restrictive for the legitimate buyer or technically too expensive to implement. For example, a year ago I purchased Call of Duty - Modern Warfare, which I suggest no one buys because it the most compulsive and addicitive online game I have played, simply awesome. In fact it was so addicitve I had to wipe it from my HD! Anyway, to continue, if I remember correctly I had to legitimise the game through an online registration process and although the gaming community was up in arms about this, because it prevents a purchaser from reselling the title, it's nevertheless a pretty efficient way of preventing the copying of DVD's, unless someone else knows differently. I don't know, but is it not possible to have the executable file on a server which is then activated by a code, I'm sure there will be plenty of guys around here who can enlighten me, cheers guys....

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Technically it is possible of course but we do not really want to make our legitimate customers jump through too many hoops (in the literal sense that could be funny hehehe)

Ultimately it comes down to the good old IT saying: 'If it can be built, it can be broken', in other words, there is and will always be someone who find a loop hole and then all the hard work to lock it up would have been in vain once again. Piracy is not about the theft of software, piracy is about the ignorance of people who do not think before pirating items. Education is a must in this instance and the post I have 'Open letter to pirates' to this day gets me emails and PM's from 'converted bad boys' . I might not win the war but I can at least win a few battles, remember, it only takes one man to change the world :) :)

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What gets me is Australian Customs. You can bring in a suit case load of pirated DVD's etc, the suit case is opened and nothing is confiscated.

Unfortunately this related to one of my daughters who brought ~80 DVD's back from Bali.

Customs confiscated a native blow gun, not because of it's composition, but because it is a "weapon" (but they allowed the dart which could be fired thru a piece of plastic conduit!!!!!) however said nothing about the DVD's.

What the $%&# ??? ??? ???


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Ever think of including your faces in all the releases.  Who know's maybe having John say something like "we've put a lot of manhours in the project, we hope you enjoy it" will actually mess with their minds a little.  Telling people they're "wrong" for doing something just doesn't work for everyone and instead encourages their "badboy" lifestyle.

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What gets me is Australian Customs. You can bring in a suit case load of pirated DVD's etc, the suit case is opened and nothing is confiscated.

Unfortunately this related to one of my daughters who brought ~80 DVD's back from Bali.

Customs confiscated a native blow gun, not because of it's composition, but because it is a "weapon" (but they allowed the dart which could be fired thru a piece of plastic conduit!!!!!) however said nothing about the DVD's.

What the $%&# ??? ??? ???


A great example that legislation will never fix this problem. It is impossible to enact a law that will stop pirating of products. If legislation was passed to make pirating illegal, in the countries that still allow it, the businesses would just move off the street and into the back of seemingly legitamite shops (in other words, go "underground").

Simply put, pirating is a moral issue. Like Jay said, it is not about the theft of the software as much as the capability of the individual commiting the act to feel that they have wronged another person. Most people would not break into an Orbx Developer's home and steal the food from his fridge, but people do indeed do so  by illegally obtaining copies of a product that the developer produced. People must understand that they are not entitled to the spoils of another's hard work simply on the premise that they want it (unfortunately, a societal trend that explains many of the world's social and economic woes as well, but that is for another topic and not on these forums.)

The sooner that we consumers put away our fears of being socially unpopular and stand up as a group and educate the pitifully ignorant software/music/movie pirates, the sooner that we protect our own rights and priveledges as consumers. Do not be afraid to confront someone who is doing something wrong, be it a family member, lifelong friend, or complete stranger. Free socities after all survive only by self-governance reinforced by community pressures, not by legislative intervention and apathy by the citizenry. If we consumers are to retain our rights to consume products the way we have since the advent of the free market, then we must be the ones to police eachother.

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What about adding an individual md5 hashtag or something to each zip file(generated when purchased) so that if you see it online, you can download it, look up the md5 hash and see who uploaded it, and send them a warning or something. I remember a debate a few years back where the Majestic Dash 8-300 was cracked and uploaded to The Pirate Bay, but because of something like the md5 hash I mentioned they were able to track down the guy who uploaded it and tell him "This isn't cool!".

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Yes, piracy is a pain in the a## for any developer.

The difficult balance for a developer is stopping pirates but not making their product too difficult for the genuine user. I stopped buying online activated products generally - had too many experiences where the developer either went out of business eg PSS or I forgot the code etc! I think that OrbX have got the balance just right in that regard by giving the purchaser options.

Also, I would like to think that genuine enthusiasts (and I count myself as one) have the common sense to realise that only by buying the product will the the developer stay in business. If you want to see more new products from a developer then buy the products that they have already released.



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One of the easiest ways to battle torrent piracy is to have members and supporters upload fake torrents to torrent sites. The best method is to use a file that is the same size as a current product when downloaded. For example, take a large movie file, say a compilation of the worlds greatest polka video's all rolled into one, and rename it to the desired filename and extension. When this type of mass counter measures are employed it drives the a-hole pirates banana's. I remember PMDG doing this a while back with it's software.

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I love it!

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Formatting drive C \ .......

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Formatting drive C \ .......

Formatting drive C \ .......

Formatting drive C \ .......

Formatting drive C \ .......

Formatting drive C \ .......

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