Even the best PC can cause CTDs when running MSFS if you don't have all your settings correct or or test mods in the community folder. The only time I had ctds with MSFS was with faulty moods. It's worth the time because there's nothing in the future that will replace MSFS.
Read this: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016142680-All-versions-How-to-improve-the-performance
You can also try XP11 or XP12 when it's released. But even with Orbx TE and all my amazing add-ons, the scenery & airports look outdated.
I do not have AeroFly, but I know that there are some sceneries available for the platform.
If I were you, I would go back to Win 10 (full clean install) and re-install MSFS, then spend the remainder of 2022 learning the platform. There's so much to learn that if you love flight sim like I do, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. It's an amazing creation!
I'm still on a i72600K and I'm enjoying MSFS more than I have ever enjoyed any sim since Flight Unlimited 1/2/3.
Maybe this year I'll upgrade to the latest CPU. Maybe!