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JoseCFII last won the day on October 15 2020

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About JoseCFII

  • Birthday March 14

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  1. Awesome scenery. Has anyone found the animations?
  2. Last question. I have it and I'm looking for this: Animated features and special effects I wish there were boats and ships moving.
  3. Interesting. I downloaded all his airports from flightsim.to. He's very talented. I also have his payware KHPN and I really like it.
  4. Thanks brother. Which freeware do you have? The payware version has additional city lighting and boats. I just don't want any conflicts.
  5. Is this beautiful city add-on compatible with V Pilot Designs MPTO available at the MS Marketplace?
  6. Even the best PC can cause CTDs when running MSFS if you don't have all your settings correct or or test mods in the community folder. The only time I had ctds with MSFS was with faulty moods. It's worth the time because there's nothing in the future that will replace MSFS. Read this: https://flightsimulator.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360016142680-All-versions-How-to-improve-the-performance You can also try XP11 or XP12 when it's released. But even with Orbx TE and all my amazing add-ons, the scenery & airports look outdated. I do not have AeroFly, but I know that there are some sceneries available for the platform. If I were you, I would go back to Win 10 (full clean install) and re-install MSFS, then spend the remainder of 2022 learning the platform. There's so much to learn that if you love flight sim like I do, you will feel a sense of accomplishment. It's an amazing creation! I'm still on a i72600K and I'm enjoying MSFS more than I have ever enjoyed any sim since Flight Unlimited 1/2/3. Maybe this year I'll upgrade to the latest CPU. Maybe!
  7. That's always how its been done. After every WU, the user need to go into the marketplace and buy (free) the updated area and download. BTW, that's how my pics appear on my screen. Some melted objects. Thankfully it has nothing to do with my internet or setup. MSFS PG can and eventually will improve.
  8. Same here. I just set a 30 GIG rolling cache and my scenery still doesn't look like Adams. I also suffer from some melted PG buildings, but not as bad as OP.
  9. I was just so happy to see one of my favorite AU airports enhanced in MSFS. It's always a nostalgic feeling when I get to fly in Australia. All my thanks to Orbx and devs.
  10. Hi Adam, What setting do you have for data rolling cache? I've seen some bad looking PG in the past and I want to avoid it if possible. Thanks. Jose
  11. Are all the AU add-ons for MSFS fully compatible with WU7? Thanks. Jose
  12. @Tony WroblewskiI came here looking for a fix for LEPA and this fix works great! THANK YOU. Can you do the same thing for LEIB Block & LRMH Block, PLEASE? This will allow me to add whatever payware/freeware add-on airports that I want. Thanks again. Jose
  13. Hi Ken, It looks great and I wish you much success. I hope we can one day see Samoa and the island airports. Still one of my fav packages. Best regards, Jose
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