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Poor Mr Rollo.

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I should further note, Iain, to take lab reports with caution and common sense.  At one point we had Chessie in for a urinary issue, and the vet ran a blood test.  The liver enzymes were out of this world!  He should have been at death's door.  But he was eating well, active, affectionate, and in all ways normal.  So note, lab results can be wrong.  Don't panic, and double check, or just follow your instincts.



Edited by Ken Q
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Thanks Ken for your concern we are sure Mr Rollo is doing fine we are having the scans done really for peace of mind and we do hope that they don't find anything. 

He is jumping around and running around the house as normal so let's hope.



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Vets called with a plan for Mr Rollo tomorrow. 

No food after 8pm tonight. 10:15am he goes for sleepy juice, x rays and blood work they’ll compare his blood work from before surgery. If the x ray shows anything suspicious they will do a ultrasound if that’s suspicious they will get the oncologist to come or we go to them for more detailed scans and we have to get a urine sample off him.




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18 minutes ago, boetie said:

I can't see a urine sample being a simple task from Mr Rollo. Good luck with that Iain!

Apparently  they will give us some cat litter that doesn't absorb the urine and then we can get some out of his litter tray.



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Well then chaps just back from the vets they have had Mr Rollo all day doing tests urine and bloods and scans on his liver and kidneys spleen and intestine everything came back all OK no sign of cancer or anything else wrong with him.

The vet said he is a healthy boy and that is the end of it if we find anything in future go back to the vet.

So it's fantastic news indeed for Mr Rollo after his scare the vet said it helped cutting out the mass as soon as we found it.

Now then back to normal for us all after all the worries we had over him and thanks for all the concerns from you chaps here it meant a lot to me and Ayiesha. 




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34 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Well then chaps just back from the vets they have had Mr Rollo all day doing tests urine and bloods and scans on his liver and kidneys spleen and intestine everything came back all OK no sign of cancer or anything else wrong with him.

The vet said he is a healthy boy and that is the end of it if we find anything in future go back to the vet.

So it's fantastic news indeed for Mr Rollo after his scare the vet said it helped cutting out the mass as soon as we found it.

Now then back to normal for us all after all the worries we had over him and thanks for all the concerns from you chaps here it meant a lot to me and Ayiesha. 




 That's great, Iain! Congratulations to Mr. Rollo, Ayiesha, and you. From the looks of the photo you shared, Mr. Rollo probably would like a yogurt and cat-grass treat as a celebration. 😉

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2 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Well then chaps just back from the vets they have had Mr Rollo all day doing tests urine and bloods and scans on his liver and kidneys spleen and intestine everything came back all OK no sign of cancer or anything else wrong with him.

The vet said he is a healthy boy and that is the end of it if we find anything in future go back to the vet.

So it's fantastic news indeed for Mr Rollo after his scare the vet said it helped cutting out the mass as soon as we found it.

Now then back to normal for us all after all the worries we had over him and thanks for all the concerns from you chaps here it meant a lot to me and Ayiesha. 





These are fantastic news Iain.👍

Please pass on my congratulations to Mr Rollo.

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On 4/29/2024 at 11:17 PM, Iain Emms said:

Apparently  they will give us some cat litter that doesn't absorb the urine and then we can get some out of his litter tray.



great idea iain, we have had to do that with both cat and dog - mission impossible, although the dog was easier than the cat.


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That's really great news. 
It's great that everything turned out well.
Mr. Rollo really is a handsome little guy. :)


Unfortunately, I also had to go to the vet again yesterday.
Our little cat always defends her garden like a lion
against intruders and must have injured his tongue in a fight.
Thanks to an injection for the pain and antibiotics, 
she is feeling a little better today 
and luckily she can drink and eat again.
I assume that someone abandoned her at that time in a nearby park

shortly before the start of the vacations, because no one seems to have missed her yet.
She was so hungry and emaciated and full of ticks when she turned up in our garden nearly ten years ago.
Meanwhile she is again in a very good condition confirmed the vet yesterday
She is so brave and sweet, I am so glad she found her way to us. 
Since then, she is like a little ray of sunshine for us every day .



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Hi Iain,


I hardly ever come here these days, but I just popped in and saw this thread. Sorry to hear about the scare with Mr Rollo, but delighted it all turned out well. He is one handsome boy, for sure, and he looks perfectly content there on his tower now. Hope you have many more happy years with him,





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Thank you Andy he is asleep on the top of his tower tree at the moment.

The vets we have I must say are first rate and nothing was any trouble for them so onwards and upwards. 



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4 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Sure is our king Gumby and don't he know it but I tell you what we would be lost with out him.



Yeah I've lost a couple of cats that I wish were back.

They each have their own personality. They all are loved

and very independent. I'm glad Mr Rollo is doing fine.

He looks a strong cat. Not sure how old he is, but hopefully

he has a good few years in him yet.😸



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you Don Mr spent Monday at the vets and they tested his blood and other things again.

He has been given a clean bill of health so we were lucky with him .



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