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Landing in Ibiza!


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9 hours ago, paulb said:

Very nice Landon :). That's a place that I visited in my youth!

I have never visited there in real life, but I remember first "discovering" it with a piece of freeware for FS9. Boy, how the scenery in the sim has changed since then..lol!

9 hours ago, wain71 said:

lovely shots Landon, hope you don't party too hard...:D

Thanks Wayne, my real life partying days are pretty much gone. But, in sim world, anything is possible, right? :D That said, in real life, you get me around a bunch of combat Veterans, and then the drinks are on ;) 

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3 hours ago, John Mac said:

Beautiful shots Landon!  None of the party though!


As we get a little older and wiser John, we learn to keep certain things off the Web ;) What happens in Ibiza stays in Ibiza :D

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