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Around the world part 3 - Asia & Oceania


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Thank you so much guys

I'm glad you liked them


1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Carlos, seriously, Orbx ought to use you as a photographer.  You have an amazing eye my friend.

I once had the chance to take shots for a developer, I hope it happens again




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Thank you very much guys, I'm very happy you liked them


13 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

All are top notch but I like the atmosphere in the Milford Sound views.

You have done well Carlos and I hope it is not too long before you bring us some more excellent sets like this.:)

I have some of Australia unposted

I'll should be posting them soon Martyn



13 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Once again a great collection, Carlos. How many weeks did it take you to collect these?

You know, I just fly a lot and take pictures like crazy, then from time to time I take some time to select of few

I currently have above 18 thousand so it is actually the searching among them for the nicests that is time consuming.

I fly every free moment I have

Thanks Gerold




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