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PNW at Olympic Peninsula


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17 hours ago, BradB said:

Fine set of shots Andreas . 

Thanks a lot John!


16 hours ago, paulb said:

A great flight Andreas :). At the moment, P3Dv4 does seem to have more airports for that area than the other sims.

And thank you Paul :), yes, there are a few airports which are not available for Xplane or MSFS. Remains to be seen weather the 

developers want to do that later. 


16 hours ago, lifejogger said:

A great area to fly in Andreas, super shots!!!!!!!!!

Thank you John, glad you like it! 


14 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

A beautiful series of views Andreas and I enjoyed your tour of the area.

The scenery still stands up really well.:)


Yes, it does Martyn :), even with TE which has fantastic colors and vegetation in P3d. Thanks a lot! 


14 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Great bunch of images Andreas, and a nice tour down memory lane from P3D 4.5 for me. So familiar with all of those airports (at least from simming). :)

Yes Landon, the story with all the airports goes on since FSX, this is quite a long time. Glad you like my shots! :)


13 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

These are terrific Andreas! I used to fly the same route because it’s so scenic.

Thank you Jack , if you have a good Twin it's easy to climb over the mountains and will be a very nice flight. :)


7 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Great set of shots these. 



Thank you very much Iain!  



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6 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Lovely shots Andy, and all these airports bring fine memories to the dedicated Orbx pilot in me.

Great weather as well, probably not standard in PNW...

Thanks a lot Gerold. All these airports for FSX/P3d are really a big bunch of first class sceneries and TE makes it even better. 

In my sim great weather is absolutely the standard, even at PNW...:) 

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