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Newcastle Departure


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A320 departure from Newcastle Airport with live weather. 


Newcastle is located on the River Tyne's northern bank and forms the largest part of the Tyneside built-up area. Newcastle is also the most populous city of North East England. Newcastle developed around a Roman settlement called Pons Aelius and the settlement later took the name of a castle built in 1080 by William the Conqueror's eldest son, Robert Curthose. Historically, the city’s economy was dependent on its port. Today, the city's economy is diverse with major economic output in science, finance, retail, education, tourism, and nightlife.


Newcastle Airport was opened on 26 July 1935. The airport cost £35,000 to build and consisted of a grass runway, clubhouse, hanger, workshops and a garage. The runway lights consisted of a series of empty oil drums that could be filled with oil rags and lit in advance of an approaching aircraft! The airport was requisitioned as an auxiliary wartime base for the RAF during the Second World War. In October 2014 the airport announced the region's first scheduled transatlantic service and on the morning of 23 May 2015 the first ever United Airlines flight from Newcastle left for New York.


The 11th busiest Airport in the UK, it is situated about seven miles NW of Newcastle.


Orbx EGNT Newcastle International Airport and GB landmarks. MSFS
















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1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

Wow, great shots Paul and thanks for that excellent history.  It reminds me of how much I loved Newcastle Brown Ale when I was stationed there.


Many thanks Jack :). As I keep learning MSFS, I try different airports and planes. Newcastle Airport is well done IMHO.

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Just now, paulb said:


Many thanks Jack :). As I keep learning MSFS, I try different airports and planes. Newcastle Airport is well done IMHO.

I just now bought but haven't even installed B.G. North and Belfast after seeing Carlos' shots of the interior.  Now the drone will be very useful!

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4 minutes ago, andiflyit said:

Great set Paul! :) Interesting for me because I want to install the airport in P3d, it's well done.


Thanks Andreas :). The airport detail is very good.

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3 hours ago, Sniper31 said:

Love this airport scenery in MSFS Paul, nice images showing it off. This is one of the more frequent airports I fly into and out when flying around the UK in MSFS. :) 


Thanks Landon :). I am still very much a 'newbie' with MSFS, so slowly buying and trying out different airports! But, yes, this one is very nice.

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20 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Great information in Newcastle Paul and interesting to see they now have transatlantic flights from there.:)

Wonderful images and you are doing well if you can Tyneside look attractive!:o


Many thanks Martyn :). Well, as a Geordie would say "Why aye man" :D

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