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I had a dream .....


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I really lost myself exploring and truly felt like I was on a special holiday


With a special thank you to Misha Cajic @Misha Cajic . You are a true artist in every sense of the word:)





I had a dream last night about a wonderful time I had in Southern California
But like all good times it came to an end and I had to head on back home

As is usual, the coach drops you off at the airport long before you need to be there ....




It's pretty early, but no ones about so lets check this place out...
It's my dream , so anythings possible right?




Now I know its a dream - no one would leave such nice bicycles overnight & unlocked. 
Where I'm from they would be gone in a flash:(




I don't think this every happens in real life. Lets just go on in ...



I love my dreams. No one builds an airport this nice.... :D




This almost seems like a pretty nice resort




Well the door wasn't locked so I just came in
I suppose its all right. Who am I kidding - its just a dream !




The tiles are gorgeous



It was definitely worth coming up here to see this




Wow, that's a nice ceiling




But I'll get a shot of it  later down below

Still pretty deserted. Obviously I don't dream "in people mode"




Deserted isn't the word for it. That's my flight but ....

Where else but in slumberland could you do this?



It's just a cool place




And the scenery isn't half bad either




I'll bet its lots busier later




Now that is a beautiful ceiling . Exquisite 




No doubt I am early 




So I'll just wait here




Gosh , though I'm tired. So I think I'll just have a wee nap....

"Sir, sir ..... Please wake sir. You're flight is waiting on you sir."

What, huh, Oh, Yes ok thanks ...  What's that loud noise .. Is there a fire 
It sounds just like an alarm "

Would you please wake up... Turn that infernal alarm off. The dog wants out...
She probably wants to go for a walk, Yes, I know its raining, but you'll be OK - you won't melt!!
Put the coffee on , on your way out. Oh, and wake me when you get back!
And stop with the noise. I know you're annoyed, but you'll survive"


See - I knew it was a dream :rolleyes:

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Utterly stunning, Pete. I'm guessing this is via the drone cam and xbox controller? When you put that together with scenery of this quality it beggars belief. And yes, thanks to @Misha Cajic for the scenery. This is very much what I've been waiting for in terms of simming. Perfick!

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20 hours ago, craigeaglefire said:

simply brilliant, Pete!

Thanks Craig!

See you



20 hours ago, JohnnyJohnJohn said:


Thanks J^3 :)


19 hours ago, Mawson said:

Alas if only we had a helicopter to fully enjoy this new world. 


Hi Mawson

Like all good things worth waiting for , your time will come :)

But with it also comes with great responsibility

I looking forward to wonderful screenshots . Make em "Cracking Good Sir!" :)


Cheers & I hope you like what they bring you!



19 hours ago, BradB said:

Dreamy set of shots Pete . B):D

Thanks John

At some points (I didn't show a lot of what I took) I almost seriously felt I had to pinch myself. I thought this scenery can't be this good. But it is !!!!


This is what I meant when I mentioned imho that MS is disruptive technology. Ultimately folks look at how they were doing things before and see the opportunities

to do even better. 


I expect Orbx will open a cruse line next, to go with their wonderful 3D, as real as it gets travel, features :D




19 hours ago, Misha Cajic said:

Beautiful shots!! Loved the story, glad you're enjoying and thank you for the kind words :)


I am so pleased you enjoyed it.:)


What you have created really defies description. Mere words can't describe the

actual experience.


Looking forward to many more Sir!

Cheers & thank you



17 hours ago, Breeze said:

Wow nice job on the screens!  This scenery is just amazingly beautiful!

 Isn't it just!

Thank you  for commenting. It is appreciated :)




17 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Grand set these Pete.




Thank you so much Iain

The credit , completely belongs to Misha @Misha Cajic

I was just merely the cameraman who had the most wonderful time exploring

Cheers :)



14 hours ago, maxpax444 said:

Brilliant set of shots!

Thank you :)




14 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

 Excellent pictures renault as always but and I know it was your dream but where are the people. There should be loads there. Mean they are doing good looking ground crew so why not passengers. Derek.


Hi Derek


I understand where you are coming from , but if you had that you may not like the results in terms of the impact it could have on overall system performance

MS can already be very taxiing on the gpu , even with the most modern cards.  If you add either higher resolution imagery or lots of small details  (i.e. lots of crowds with pleasing detail) 

I think it could bring the most modern system completely to its knees. 


Flight simulation is about balance and priorities on any system .

I'm just so impressed with what Misha was able create. The level of detail is astounding, but it is nicely frame rate friendly.


But I suspect my dream was also influenced by all the recent world events. So in that respect , it probably is reflective of our "new normal"

Cheers & thanks for your comment

It is thought provoking :)



11 hours ago, Dario said:

Unbelievable shots, Pete! You explored all the possible details. I could never do better than this.

Thank you Dario

I appreciate the vote of confidence very much, but as I said early , Misha is the one who deserves all the credit!




11 hours ago, andy1252 said:

Utterly stunning, Pete. I'm guessing this is via the drone cam and xbox controller? When you put that together with scenery of this quality it beggars belief. And yes, thanks to @Misha Cajic for the scenery. This is very much what I've been waiting for in terms of simming. Perfick!


Thanks Andy. After my little zoom lesson on the nuisances of the XBox controller, I am starting to get the hang of it. For flying I just put the plane on AI control and then I can adjust things as I go along. I like that approach more than "active pause"



11 hours ago, Taph said:

Grand shots and no sign of Martin Luther King


Thanks Taph.


I believe he  is in spirit.

My understanding is that there is great effort there to honor the man and keep his principles alive to benefit  all.



10 hours ago, lifejogger said:

Wow,  what a tour!!!!!!!!!!  The shots were beautiful as is the scenery.


Thanks John!

See you :)



7 hours ago, Wakashi said:

Absolutely stunning scenery and story Pete, the eye candy in all of those pics could give an onlooker a cavity or worse, diabetes! :rolleyes::D


Thanks Roger!

I think I gained twenty pounds overnight :D

But it was certainly worth it!




6 hours ago, wain71 said:

nice work Pete, great stuff...





6 hours ago, olderndirt said:

The murals alone are worth the visit - Misha is certainly exceeding requirements as are you.



I know. They are just unbelievable !

The real start is Mishi though. As I said, I was just the camera guy:)

See you :)


4 hours ago, jean marc said:

best shots and best narrative for ever ... Amazing how great are the inner sides of this airport ... I definitely need to explore too ... and to dream !


Billiions of thanks Pete for this memorable little journey


You are most welcome. You will enjoy it. It is nicely balanced in terms of resource requirements 

And thank you for your kind comments. It is appreciated:)


Cheers JM!


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On 8/25/2020 at 10:25 AM, craigeaglefire said:


patience @Mawson, helicopters are around the corner.


@renault's screenshots are a showcase of what is actually possible - right now!

Well until they are here it's only speculation as to whether they will be worth the wait. I am hoping they will be Aerofly Fs2 quality rather than FSX quality when they do arrive but unless they arrive with a working VR implementation it may all be waiting for nothing. I am concerned that they will try to implement VR in DX 11 rather than Dx 12 and this will result in awful FPS like it used to be in X Plane pre Vulcan and P3d pre Dx12.  It seems to me they have a huge amount of work to do and I suspect helicopters and VR will be much longer off than suggested though I did preorder the G2 even before MSFS announced the tie in so I will be ready. 

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